It wouldnt be out of character for Azula to enlist Zukos help in the fight against Aang, too, by enticing him with Ozais approval and the promise of home. She runs into Iroh on her way to the royal gardens. What if when Zuko was burned and banished he was left alone in the Earth Kingdom and General Fong took him prisoner. Zuko formed a peculiar bond with an Earth Kingdom soldier and let himself be convinced that living in captivity would be better and safer than continuing running away from every nation. Prisoner Zuko (Avatar) iroh thinks zuko is dead Azula was successful in capturing her brother, where he will spend the rest of his days in the Boiling Rock. She felt weak. It starts off when Zuko is accepted in the Gaang - Katara doesn't trust him and fears that he will backstab them again. Zuko has to learn navigating through his new reality of rules and people who were trained to hate his kind. In Book 1, Katara insists she has to eat papaya because Aunt Wu said she would grow to love it, and she thinks she has to do everything Aunt Wu says if she wants the prediction about her future husband to come true. 6. Implied to have been invoked by Iroh from the beginning. That knowledge sparked her memory, and Katara gasped in fright. 8. Thats tourism, babey. Confrontation. Ozai wanted him to quietly die in prison, but, after three years of torment, a young waterbender possing as an earthbender arrived at the prison, setting its inhabitants free. Sweet sweet Suki bonding before Sokka shows up for a breakout, is all Im saying. Three years, a water tribe raid, and an unexpected meeting with a gang of over-enthusiastic idealistic children puts Zuko back in the spotlight. In an attempt to save his friends and help them defeat the Fire Nation, Zuko ends up arrested in the Fire Nation where he is left to the abuses of his forsaken nation and the insult to injury that is a visit from his father. I offer myself as your prisoner, then., They looked at each other, then back at the Prince. Gently he tangled his fingers through her hair, while keeping his gaze trained on her eyes. As usual, Katara ignored his extremely valid point. I'd love a papaya wife.". His first kiss had been with a princess who became the moon. With energy spent he slowly pulled out of her, and stepped back. Stalking Zuko is an Adaptation Expansion fic by emletish that acts as a between/behind the episodes look at Avatar: The Last Airbender. Azula wants something entirely different for Zuko to bow before the new Firelord. Ora) Zuko the Ultimate Prisoner A product of my unhealthy liking for prisoner trope, all rules and power imbalance that comes with that. Another rebellious moan escaped her parted lips. She tries to drag Iroh with her to the garden. All mine.. Even if he decided to release her, she would never forget the pleasure he brought to her. Prisoner | An ATLA Fanfic | ZukoxOC - Viren - Wattpad What if he met Toph before any of the Gaang did? She returns the initial letter to its sender, Zuko, but the letters keep coming, and they're all from the Boiling Rock, one of the most notorious prison facilities in the country. And ofc Im adding linguistics/languages of the four nations to this. La's perceived favoritism towards Zuko comes to affect Zuko's public image in the Fire Nation deeply. Read and see h Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become extinct along with the air-benders. Kaida was abandoned by her parents and left on top of a volcano. All that while trying to figure out his own morals and place in this war-thorn world. In Book 2 Zuko and Katara kiss upon their reunion, forgetting that the rest of the Gaang and Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot are in tow behind Katara. Then the Avatar comes seeking a Firebending teacher. Plus, everyones favorite: Toph bonding! Amidst the war to take down Fire Lord Ozai, Katara struggles to trust the Fire Prince while Zuko just wants to help the Avatar. Or, we fix all of the above by removing the Dai Li altogether; Zuko escapes the Gaang asthey arrive in Ba Sing Se, and ends up Blue Spirit-ing around to survive. "throw him into The Boiling Rock." Azula stopped listening and ran. The rest of the crew, too, seemed to agree that Zuko had finally had enough. Zuko was imprisoned after his attempted escape on the Day of the Black Sun. She closed her eyes to him and shook her head. The following exchange occurs: In Book 3, Zuko and Jee come across an anatomically disturbing blueprint for a statue of Ozai, and Zuko questions whether that's even possible. After Zhao finds out Zuko is the Blue Spirit, he doesn't hire the pirates to kill him but to kidnap him and make the world think he's dead. His powerful thrusts increased and the slapping of wet flesh sounded through the air. To round off the saga, we have e) the Boiling Rock. Sometimes he came for the chance to speak his mind freely, which he could never do growing up. Instead Zuko is rather chill towards him (he was by far one of the nicer captors hed had, and sadly thats now Zukos standard for good treatment), but Hakoda keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. The third book, Fire is Life, can be found here on Archive of Our Own and here on FanFiction.Net. A flicker of light appeared through a tiny opening in the metal door. Slow updates and feel free to give suggestions that you would like to see in this story. Chapter 3 At one point in Makapu, he bars Zuko from access to pineapples, and explains in detail the various ridiculous ways that he imagines pineapples could be used as a weapon. ultimate prisoner!Zuko fic: all four elements, babey I have a name you filthy bastard! Now. Dragons have gone extinct in the last hundred years, or so people think He held her against him, as he enjoyed her taste, while tracing her naked flesh with his free hand. Her long brunette hair was matted with dry blood. As an older brother, he has to take care of his youn A Zuko X Reader story. Because Where you can find smoke, you are sure to find hot headed firebreathing nephews.. Katara is ready to do what is necessary to stall until rescue arrives, but much to her surprise, Zuko refuses to fight. Re: Sokka showing up to the Western Air Temple with Suki, Zuko, Hakoda, and Chit Sang (because if you think Im not going to add dimension to a minor character, youre wrong.) ***LEMON WARNING!!! well it happens; Daddy Issues (and not only Zuko's!) Prisoner of the Firebending Prince - MediaMiner there was voices muttering before Ozai spoke again. He almost hoped she wouldn't divulge the location of the Avatar at this point, but if she did then he would honor his word, even if it meant he would loose her once more. Her tiny form rocked with convulsive rapture as she bucked her pelvis against his hand. Sleep now Katara. Hurt Zuko (Avatar) - Works | Archive of Our Own Tui, for Katara and Zuko. I can just picture the reunion post-Boiling-Rock. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. In the time that he had been chasing the Avatar and his group around, he had been paying special attention to the little water bender. This time, Zuko doesnt make it back to his Uncle. You have only to tell me one thing, and I will grant you your freedom. Once Zuko returns home to the Fire Nation and is made Home Guardian by his father, he is very specifically not just. me: ultimate prisoner!Zuko fic where he is (and, please, bear with me here), a) imprisoned on Hakodas ship like @muffinlance s Salvage until he is b) handed over to the Earth Kingdom, possibly held by General Fong until the Gaang arrives. atla avatar princezuko +15 more # 7 The Dragon Guardian (Zuko x Reader) by JulieJorgenson 47.5K 1K 58 (Y/N) is the best female soldier of the Fire Nation. Three years, a water tribe raid, and an unexpected meeting with a gang of over-enthusiastic idealistic children puts Zuko back in the spotlight. This was a semi-shit-post I made on a whim, but now Im thinking about it. He spends the rest of the time leading up to the north pole hunting the Gaang. Her silence was his answer, and he grunted as he moved his hands over the curve of her hips. 'Zuzu, why couldn't you have just kept your mouth shut? If he had to take her here, and in chains, then so be it. He refuses to eat for days, his injuries leave him stumbling and delirious, and through it all he remembers his promise to Sokka: "I'll see you again.". Katara awoke in a dark place. And gets locked up for over three years. His plan is working well enough so far; he's made it here, he's disguised as a guard, no one suspects him, now he just has to find his dad and get out. The prince laughed. katara. He surprised her then, when he lay beside her and pulled her against his hard chest. That evening, Zuko and Sam were changing into their sleeping clothes. Ozai and Azula make Zuko Home Guardian (basically the manager of domestic affairs) because they believe the work will be dull, tedious, and degrading, and then they'll be able to blame and discredit Zuko's mismanagement for all of the people's problems and make themselves look good in comparison. In Book 3, Zuko returns home a beloved hero, and it becomes clear that he is, whether he realizes it, a massive threat to Ozai politically. Thank you and have a nice day. OrA Prisoner Situation with a colonel who has some basic decency and compassion. Imprisoned (This Time for Real) " Katara's plan to rally Haru and the other imprisoned earthbenders goes horribly, horribly wrong, and instead of helping others to freedom, she finds herself in a prison of her own. The contact was electrifying and he moved his hands to her breasts. ? Sokka flailed both of his hands towards the boy. Zuko Stories - Wattpad What if when Zuko was burned and banished he was left alone in the Earth Kingdom and General Fong took him prisoner. Slight AU to the finale, where Zuko tries to reason with Azula in honor of their mother. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Three years later, Team Avatar arrived at the castle as a soldier, after which they found Zuko in prison. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. 16. With Ozai is defeated, depowered and imprisoned by the Earth Kingdom and Azula falling into madness, the Fire Nation has no ruler. there's absolutely no chance of them falling in love with the other. Then he pulled away and turned his head to the guard. Aang masters the Avatar State - at the stake of his love for Katara. 9. Haha! Zuko, meanwhile, is relived that Sokka takes him with the others for the escape, because sure hes going to be the Avatars prisoner, but at least a prisoner of decent people. "Maybe you could be free of it," Katara spoke up, causing the pair to look over in shock. Which doesnt even need to be a real scene; it could just be referenced in an off-handed heard about this from since if dads guys manner right before Boiling Rock. the Gaang get seperated from Zuko after the Seige of the North. She remained as straight as a board, trying to be brave and ignore his searching hands. Again he pressed himself against her, still pinning her bound arms above her. The sensations were extraordinary and he could never remember a woman who pleased him more. So you like that do you? So, waterbender, are you going to tell me where to find the Avatar, or am I going to have to convince you? Prince Zuko asked in a smooth haughty voice. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Polar Opposites *A Prince Zuko Love Story*. Zuko formed a peculiar bond with an Earth Kingdom soldier and let himself be convinced that living in captivity would be better and safer than continuing running away from every nation. He hopes that this prisoner will help him to help Aang to reach the avatar state when nothing else works. I couldn't find any Zuko/Sokka piss smut on here and let me just say. left kudos on this work! Zuzu. He felt his throat tighten and tears prick at his eyes as the reality began to sink in. There was no joy found there, only malicious intent. He placed the head of his cock at her opening, slowly pushing into her wetness. Zuko knelt before the group, holding up his wrists. Her fleshy tongue pushed against his own in a half attempt to exorcise him and the sensation made his groin ache in desire. Please consider turning it on! It's not who you think. When General Iroh - a prince of the fire nation - finds her, she fears that she'll face the As the eldest son of the chieftain he was tasked with protecting the village when his father left to aid in the war. It really was too bad he had to take her in the dungeon. The metal door creaked open, and a burly old man with a rattling cough stepped inside. In actuality, Zuko genuinely appreciates the chance to help his people and his attempts to circumvent his father's callous incompetence and actually improve things for the average citizen makes him more respected by the public. Here's the link: *** Thanks to armypup614, there is a sequel in the making. I want him out of the palace by night fall." Katara hung there upon her chains as the prince left the cell. Day 2 of Whumptober 2022. the avatar roku died 100 years ago, leaving no one in his succession. This isn't very long, or very good, but lil ol me needed some piss kink. Length: 8,717 words. Zuko is just trying to survive Boiling Rock prison. She and her brother Sokko refused to leave his side. He speaks calm as he follows Azula. love looked good on her. Zuko was taken aback. A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the perversions of my mind. I imagine several long, painful, and confusing conversations. Prisoner | An ATLA Fanfic | ZukoxOC - - Wattpad Her climax brought about the building of his own and he rammed his engorged cock deeper into her core, slamming into her hot wetness time and again. Scarred and banished as a child when she wasn't Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become e the avatar's big sister // legend of korra After everything they've been through together, Aang can't help but feel betrayed that Zuko kidnapped his body at the North Pole. 12. He didnt expect to find the Avatar. The second book, The Illusion of Separation, can be found here on Archive of Our Own or here on FanFiction.Net. Zuko formed a peculiar bond with an Earth Kingdom soldier and let himself be convinced that living in captivity would be better and safer than continuing running away from every nation. well it happens Daddy Issues (and not only Zuko's!) In the end he doesn't care who has to get hurt to achieve his goals. And finally in book three, Iroh goes through a list of prisons looking for his nephew; starting with Caldera prison and working outwards. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Prisoner Zuko (Avatar) - Works | Archive of Our Own Work Search: When he is dragged from his cell months later, he expects to be facing his execution, not his coronation. Trapped on a wooden ship in the middle of the ocean, Zuko tries his hardest to stay in control of his bending and his temper with the Water Tribe crew that holds him captive. A reader X zuko Y/n is a waterbending female from the Northern Water tribe. Completed toph azula firebender +20 more # 13 The Commander's Daughter (Zuko X O. by My Dog Has Become My Life. Wang Fire does have his sources, or it could have something to do with the White Lotus. Slight AU to the finale, where Zuko tries to reason with Azula in honor of their mother. Useless. ultimate prisoner!Zuko fic: all four elements, babey. The end of the 100-year war is uncharted territory. You say that, but when I do this. Zuko said, before sucking her right breast into his warm mouth. Well, a part of me wished that too, so an alternative version of my own fanfic happened -----> "Compounded Bonds" on my profile. She was startled he broke the silence, "Do what?" Her words were clipped. On the other hand, Zuko wouldve spent some time with the Gaang (and oh god, they wont have Appa on the way to Ba Sing Sethats not a trip thatll be easy), and Zukos return to the Fire Nation would potentially cause the same feelings that he experienced in the canon. Katara is ready to do what is necessary to stall until rescue arrives, but much to her surprise, Zuko refuses to fight. avatarthelastairbender. When his hand moved closer to her inner thigh she began to struggle, but he refused to let her go. "Oh great, NOW what? On their flight through the Earth Kingdom to get to Omashu, the Gaang and their new prisoner, Zuko, stop to get some information. This is the first fanfic that I've ever written that was NOT about Sesshomaru and Kagome from Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha. That was only one of the things he found arousing about her. In Book 2, Zuko gets in a fight with Jet in a Ba Sing Se marketplace and uses pineapples exactly as Sokka described. Zhao has his way with Zuko and Hakoda does his best to pick up the pieces. He could get his requisite character development by interacting with fellow prisoners (Jet, Suki) and his captors (Hakoda, Fong, Long Feng, Ozai and Azula). 5. It does not go well. Whumptober 2021 days 1 (All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere To Go) and 2 (Talking is Overrated)Prompts: "You have to let go"/barbed wire/bound and garotte/choking/gagged. It really didn't matter at all, for she didn't believe for a moment that he would release her unharmed. Chapter 5 "Uncle. Ever so slowly Katara rose to her feet. your body betrays you.. Chapter 9 They were so obvious about their affection for each other that even Smellerbee and Longshot had figured out there was something between them, without having ever seen the two directly interact beforebut Aang had no clue prior to this, and is left "aghast.". The gaang takes Zuko up on his offer to have him as prisoner. Its me mashing together tropes I like : Zuko getting more parental figures, Zhao being a vile cockroach of a man, Hakoda in general.I've seen similar plots with Zhao imprisoning Zuko and Sokka, and I've seen Hakoda and Zuko trapped together, but not the combination. Miarri, (I will eventually change her name to Kida so that's why in some chapters you'll see Kida i Ivana was the granddaughter of a highly respected fire nation general. Also, I'm sorry for typos or tenses going from past to present, I do not care enough to proofread this.). Leave me out of this. Culture Clash: Aang and Katara have a big one when she discovers the way airbenders deal with family and non-benders. She was a feisty one, to be sure. The abusive noise added fuel to her splitting headache. With hunger, civil chaos, and living enemies stalking their damaged world, can they learn fast enough to win the peace?