Sun Square Saturn Synastry - Dreaming and Sleeping Saturn and the Sun bring a very high level of devotion and commitment to the relationship. The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. The couple may be separated at key moments, and may not be able to truly rely on one another in the long-term. The Uranus person is likely to feel trapped by the Sun person when the relationship gets too routine and stable. The Neptune may end up promising more than they can deliver, which can eventually lead to disappointment on the part of the Sun person. Astrologically, its associated with rules, boundaries, limitations as well as responsibility and commitment to one another. Choose Your Wedding Date With Astrology - Electional Guidelines Just by being themselves and expressing their individuality, my fears of rejection and getting hurt surfaced. This means you handle lifes problems in a similar way. Check the houses and house rulership of Saturn and Uranus in their charts. The Sun trine Moon is a powerful aspect in friendship synastry. Instead of calmly voicing my own opinions, I insulted theirs. The Sun person may feel sensitive to Mercurys criticism, and Mercury may find the Sun person defensive. Undertaking this conscious effort can earn them a long-lasting relationship that could become a lifelong marriage. You value reliability and being responsible to each other. Avoid Sun or Moon square to Saturn. Fearing the Sun persons withdrawal of interest, the Saturn person may criticize and judge the Sun person. When one person's Sun is aligned with the other's Saturn, there's often a sense of weight to the relationship. Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Moon is often found in marriage synastry charts. Saturn Conjunct Sun Synastry - Love, Fate, Attraction [2021] This is one of the luckiest aspects to have. With a little patience and understanding, you can learn a lot from one another. Let me tell you. Saturn rules tradition, so couples with this synastry aspect sometimes face opposition from either persons family. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. In order to maintain a healthy relationship, both parties should make sure to communicate their needs to each other. More specifically, my Saturn was conjunct his Sun in Scorpio. I never felt quite comfortable cuddling him, telling him I loved him, or making baby talk with him due to my fear that he would reject that kind of behavior. Incidentally, he had Saturn transiting his 7th house when we were together. The Sun sextile Saturn synastry enhances stability, patience, and endurance in a relationship. Saturn represents commitment and responsibility, while Venus represents love. Yet signs and houses matter; for instance, if B's Juno is in Libra, then A's Juno . In contrast with other aspects in synastry, theyll only have to work on communicating their needs better if things start growing stale from time to time. This relationship is bound to be spontaneous, but the ability to truly count on one another is tarnished with this aspect. Molly Hall. This is because the Sun person brings out the Saturns persons insecurities. Plan and organize events for the community. In astrology, the Sun is the masculine energy, while the Moon is feminine and motherly. The Sun is the star that gives us the zodiac sign and, ultimately, our identity. The Sun person feels blessed to be in the company of the Venus person, and the Venus person reciprocates these feelings. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. Hot, hot, hot! You have many differences, but at the same time, you balance each other out. It can also lead us towards destructive patterns, turning us into a fighter without a cause. Again, Venus can rule the woman, Mars the man but these planets are simply the love planets regardless of gender. Saturn represents our capacity for endurance and commitment, as well as the lessons we learn from life experiences. Together, they make a great team because they understand each other very well. Neptune may play along in order to appease the Sun person. The Saturn person shines a light on the Sun person, motivating and radiating energy that is . It gives us the strength, diligence, ambition, and motivation to succeed, even if it will not always be easy. We both hung in there, hoping that one day, one of us would say how we truly felt about one another. With the prosperous aspect in the chart, the chart assures the couple that this relationship is bountiful and auspicious. It also flows in a harmonious manner, cultivating valuable lessons, enhancing teaching experiences and offering a good strong . There are elements of maturity, permanence and slow, but steady grow in your relationship. Lilith conjunct Venus tends to be sexual and intense almost all of the time. My first ex boyfriend and I had strong Saturn aspects in our synastry chart. These relationships can sometimes feel like the Sun person is in a relationship with their parent, and this can be expressed positivelyor negatively. Your mutual attraction has a solid base. These people can be very popular and can indulge in life a lot, but this aspect can . Neptune wants Saturn to dream a little, while Saturn wants Neptune to be more realistic. Saturn represents depression, restriction, fear of rejection, distancing, as well as commitment. There is a constant battle between them, and each feels they are blocked by the other. Indeed, your personalities are complementary to one another. The harmonious aspects (sextile, trine) between Mercury and Saturn are much easier to handle. This relationship has many things in its favor, but without healthy communication, it can break apart. The Sun is the only celestial body that can reason with Saturn and even win if the correct view is on its side. The challenges that a couple with the Sun trine Saturn might face can be avoided and won if the two partners are willing to grow as a couple and learn from each other. Pets can bring an extra dimension of love and care into a relationship that strengthens it from within. Much of the need to control comes from fear. Man's Sun Trine Woman's Sun Relationship. It brings a lot of difficulties into a relationship but also gives immense potential for growth. This is meant to teach us a lesson about where we need to grow and become more self-sufficient so that we can have a healthier relationship with ourselves as well as others. If you have the Sun opposite Saturn synastry aspect in your chart, you tend to feel very attracted to each other in the beginning of the relationship for karmic reasons. This could spell big trouble for your relationship, and might even prevent a relationship from forming in the first place. A [], Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and practicality, while Neptune is associated with imagination, intuition, and spiritual awareness. With the Sun sextile Saturn synastry aspect, the couple focuses on working towards common goals. So my natal Saturn aspects are set off by him, specifically Saturn square Venus and Saturn trine Mars. The Saturn personis too critical, but the Sun personal also takes everything quite personally. The Sun trine Saturn synastry aspect tends to bestow a deep sense of commitment to the partners. With high-quality horoscope interpretations by the world's leading astrologers Liz Greene, Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on astrology for beginners and professionals, is the first address for astrology on the web. With this aspect, you like spending time with each other and socializing together. Sun Sextile Saturn Synastry - The Astrology Place Moon conjunct Ketu: Moon is the mother. Saturn moves relatively slowly, so there would be an age difference of about 7 years for the square aspect, and 14 years for the opposition aspect (approximately). This aspect often shows up when there is a need to heal past life karma. A Saturn trine the Sun brings an overall high compatibility that is rarely seen in synastries. Need a synastry chart reading? This is the mathematical midpoint between the natal Sun and Moon. After a while, we learned to express our feelings to one another, but only in small segments. This will lead to a continually evolving relationship that is full of learning. It loves to put us in the spotlight. In fact, the Sun person often comes into the Saturn persons life in order to teach them something. The Sun person feels supported and nurtured by the Moon person, while the Moon person feels more confident and powerful due to the Sun person. It promotes love and happiness in the relationship. A strong attraction to each other is present, especially on the part of the Sun person. Since A's sun is sextile Juno, B's Juno may aspect A's sun. Sun-Venus or Venus-Venus synastry aspects: Sun-Venus contacts in synastry are highly touted by astrologers, and for good reason! One important aspect of synastry is the Sun square or semi-square Mercury aspect. It's best to first look at the natal charts, separately, to avoid any confusion. Over time, these same qualities in the Saturn person can start to be oppressive, restrictive, or even controlling to the Sun person. More than our identity, the Sun focuses on our present situations. On the other hand, if we put in the effort and hard work towards achieving our goals, Saturn rewards us. It is common for Mars to feel Saturn is condescending and treats Mars like a child. Sun conjunct Neptune in synastry is a mystical connection of spiritual intensity. Venus Trine Jupiter Synastry - Dream Astro Meanings This individual is also going to encourage responsibility in this relationship, wanting both of them together to work hard on achieving goals they set out for themselves. Saturn in square or opposition to another persons Uranus acts similarly to the conjunction, but with more friction. Sometimes this communication can come off as too easy and may even lead to both of them taking the other person for granted, which is why its important that they make an effort to communicate their needs in a healthy way over time. It doesnt speak about our desires and emotions. These two partners like to spend time together and do fun activities as a form of bonding. They will naturally want to build a home and family together. Sun Trine Saturn Synastry. The Saturn person is going to have a very responsible yet supportive partner, while the Sun person will have someone who encourages them and makes them feel safe. In the case of the trine or sextile, a good physical compatibility is indicated. Sun trine Sun is a great aspect to have in a romantic relationship. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Neptune is an interesting combination of conflicting energies. This isnt an indicator of a wild, passionate romance, but having good communication with your mate is one of the most important aspects of a successful relationships. They share solid and true feelings and mutual respect. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Pluto blends realism and practicality with transformation and intensity. natal makes "sense" almost a cornerstone of my mental makeup. In terms of sexuality, these two will experience a strong sexual attraction and similar energy levels that will help to sustain their physical connection. Saturn aspecting the lunar nodes is a particularly powerful karmic aspect. This is a positive aspect that can help these two build a life together full of joy and happiness. 5. As one of the largest astrology portals WWW.ASTRO.COM offers a lot of free features on the subject. Mars may become angry with this and lash out at the Saturn person. Also, the Sun partner finds everything they need in their Saturn person, and there is no desire to look outside the relationship. In astrology, this aspect usually represents a positive connection between the planet of discipline and structure (Saturn) and the planet of identity and personal power (the Sun). The Saturn person often has a hard exterior and may be very misunderstood due to their Stoic nature. This is a binding connection. The Sun will almost always be the dominant energy in this relationship, but they should try to consider their Saturn partners needs as well if they want the relationship to last for years into the future. It helps you both communicate your feelings and frustrations like grown adults. While the Saturn person will be very dedicated and responsible for their partner, the Sun person will encourage and celebrate the Saturn person. If your Suns are square, it means they share the same modality (i.e. During the early stages, the Sun person will like the Saturn persons mature and responsible qualities, while the Saturn person will enjoy the Suns energy, creativity, vibrancy, and enthusiasm. Her Saturn square your Eros could put a damper on your erotic urges (when she's around). Composite Chart | PlutonicDesire Saturn is the karmic parent that gives us a sense of security. Over time, the Saturn person can confront their feels and discover who they truly are. Sun Trine Jupiter-. The parental marriage is a model of the psyche, and if it has been particularly challenging, there may be a deep desire to avoid the whole thing. He was also much older than me, so he seemed even more patronizing. Saturn is also associated with limitations in life, as well as discomfort that comes from being unable to be supported by others. The person was your child. The person was a your lover in a past life. With the Sun trine Saturn synastry aspect, you tend to naturally trust each other in a relationship and you work through problems as a team. Mercury synastry aspects are undervalued in astrology, in my opinion. Saturn Synastry in Relationships: Gifts and Challenges When I look back, I know I was a bit too harsh with them, but I felt (and STILL feel) they were childish and needed a good reality check. In the Sun square Saturn synastry relationship, the problem tends to lie with both partners. How does this aspect play out between two people, you may ask? This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for . The Saturn person may feel the Neptune person has their head in the clouds, and may discourage them from expressing their spiritual ideas or fantasies. It definitely increases the likelihood you will stay together, as long as other aspects agree. Sun-Saturn aspects make any relationship feel incredibly serious. This aspect can indicate a real lack of caring and consideration for one another, especially on the part of the Venus person. These challenges will be more present if Saturn and the Sun need to be better aspected in the chart and synastry. In this case, the Uranus person might feel stifled and repressed by pessimistic and cynical Saturn, while Saturn feels Uranus is unstable, unreliable and impractical. Sometimes, the blockages come from external forces. Check the houses and house rulership of Saturn and Pluto in their charts. Venus and Mars. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. What kind of relationship can you have, if you cant even talk to one anothe? By double-whammy, I mean his Moon opposed my Saturn and his Saturn opposed my Moon. 3. The Saturn person usually sees the Mars person as childish and irresponsible. The same went for affection; affection did not flow easily between us due to deep-seated fears of rejection, which was ultimately frustrating for both parties. For example, if my Saturn is in my 3rd house, I am very self-conscious about communicating with others, and tend to not speak up due to this insecurity. It shows us the best synastry aspects of our life where we have the potential to shine the most. Why is this position so hard, for the people who have it (and also on a global scale, for all . A synastry aspect between Saturn and Sun is a vital contact for both parties. Sun Trine Saturn Aspects Natal and Transit | February 5, 2023 by Sasstrology. It reminds me of the saying, an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You may try to dominate the other because of this. Ultimately, these Sun-Saturn relationships are all about learning how to take responsibility for yourself instead of criticizing or trying to change your partner. Sun-Saturn aspects in synastry are apparently very common aspects to find in the synastry charts of married couples and long-term partners. The Sun person may believe he has found his soul mate in the Neptune person, and the Neptune person may play into this role in order to please the Sun person. For these two people it is quite logical that they will commit to each other also in a form of legal bond (marriage). But at the end of the day, they will both know that they can trust each other and have an intense emotional bond that keeps them together through difficult times. With the Sun opposition Saturn synastry aspect, the Sun person starts to feel drained over time because their ambitions, social life, independence, and even their very thoughts can be controlled by Saturn. Moon-Sun Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile However they choose to approach their intimate life, they will find a mutual attraction and all the satisfaction and peace they need in each others arms. With this aspect, there comes a tendency to criticize each others viewpoints. Juno indicates marriage, Saturn is about commitment - you get the picture. The Saturn person in the relationship. By. With any Chiron aspect to the other person's Juno, there was a wound created through marriage in a past . Saturn aspects in synastry are notoriously difficult to handle. I felt he belittled my opinions and ideas to the point of condescension. Though he never explicitly told me he didnt want me to go out and have fun with my friends, he would often try to interfere with my plans if he knew I was going out. When someone's Uranus is conjunct your Uranus, you are around the same age!Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun, so you also share this aspect with people who are that much older . And I was amused recently when I developed an instantaneous obsession on a rock star, and found that his Saturn was exactly conjunct my Sun. Updated on 04/08/18. The Best Synastry Aspects for Marriage Revealed - Your Higher Journey This difference will also show in the way the partners express their emotions. Banned. September 2, 2015 astrologyplace. This could lead to conflicts, but if both partners are wise and mature enough, it could lead to healthy compromises. But one's partner's Saturn might be conjunct one's Moon and opposition one's Sun, and the synastry between the birth charts might make one feel more . The Saturn principle of duty and responsibility is clearly present in the legally binding ceremony of marriage - a ceremony which is designed to bond two people together for life. Try hosting tea parties, dinner parties, or movie nights at home together. The odds that a relationship with Saturn trine the Sun will withstand the test of time are very high.
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