With the eleventh house as your landing pad, youre likely to trend toward hero statuseither rescuing someone from danger, or being saved by someone else. I find myself wanting to marry and have children (I used to always be against the idea of having children) but I dont feel this with him. The Uranus person influences the house partner into trying out advance methods when it comes to professional errands, they will also bring these changes into house's life . If youre suggesting that the planet-person doesnt get any effect because only the house-person gets the effect, that would be wrong. Aquarius He didnt feel like he was smart enough or good enough compared to them. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Common interests draw them together and the love they have for one another is more an extension of their own personalities than a separate thing. The South Node in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous The Sun person is wearing rose-colored glasses here, so its likely that youre overlooking the house persons flaws. This is a common synastry overlay for marriage. I found your paragraph on sun in 8th overlay difficult to read, but not completely untrue. Maybe because of having Virgo in the 8th so I naturally want to give?). The position of the Sun in the eleventh house suggests they may have a problem with identifying who they actual are because this house opposes the home of the Sun, which is the 5 th House, in the sign of Leo. A marriage is not impossible with this overlay. The sun in the 12th house indicates that it would be excellent if you show became more sensitive to the thoughts, feelings of not only yourself but others too. SUN IN 12TH HOUSE SYNASTRY: THE CHALLENGES THE SUN HAS CONTROL This is the most challenging aspect of this relationship. And vice versa. The Sun in the partners second house of a synastry overlay makes the house person a valuable asset to the Sun person. I will give you ALL possible versions of how this can play out in your life if you just keep reading. The Sun in the partners first house of a synastry overlay creates a familiar feeling between the two of you. Also: try not to be concerned at this stage of the relationship. You are good sounding boards for each others pipe dreams you encourage them rather than put them down. You tolerate their idiosyncrasies. A strong friendship is a great base for marriage. Your partner views you as a vehicle through which they can have fun, and perhaps as an ego boost. It is possible that the natives will be an asset to the company they work for. The Sun -friend gives inspiration, self-confidence, creativity, healthy sense of self-ego and leadership. Similarly, the planet person enters your birth chart house and perceives you according to the environment of that specific house. Sexual attraction remains in the background with the Sun in 11th house overlay unless there are other strong factors in the cross-aspects that contradict that. The Sun person sees the tenth house person as someone of authority. I have created two step-by-step beginner guides, which to a certain degree cover this very first crucial step of the compatibility analysis in the following articles, which I believe you should check out before you continue with synastry overlays: If you are not sure how to approach a thorough and complete synastry analysis by yourself, you can also check out my Astrology Services. This is generally considered to be an excellent position for romance and fun. The Sun in the 11th House man is a person of authority. The eleventh house is our view of friendships in general and our ability to navigate in social settings and gain acquaintance type friendships. You (Sun) think the house person is brilliant. We are going to have arranged marriage set by our parents. I had a friend a few years ago who I was pretty close to and had a lot of nice conversations with (their sun was in my 3H so very mentally stimulating) and my partner got extremely hurt and jealous and insecure of this friend. Studying the separate horoscope of each partner is crucial, because this gives imperative insight into what each individual needs in a relationship. Im not sure what part you find misleading. It is indeed a very mysterious relationship but also feels like a soulmate connection.. But it begins with the perception of the planet person, who is first affected by what they find in your house. Whether you (Sun) are okay with this or not depends on your individual characteristics. For a professional in-depth reading that will also give you remedies and actionable steps to thrive in your love life, check out my Astrology Services. Its common in synastry books from several decades ago. Since I'm the sun in his 8th house, my naturally hidden personal power gets a taste of sharing that with another person on a deep level. How this position is handled can often be shown by the aspects that the Sun makes to the partners planets. This is a somewhat superficial overlay, and if you are looking to be taken more seriously as a partner, check out where your Moon falls in your partners chart. I have 5 planets including the Sun and an ASC in His 8th house. Sun in 2nd House Synastry Overlay The Sun in the partner's second house of a synastry overlay makes the house person a valuable asset to the Sun person. Ascendant in partner's 11th house: With first impressions there is a mutual sense of friendship. And he has mercury in my 8th house. My child and I are deeply connected. When searching for a mate, the Sun in 11th House woman values intelligence and creativity over other traits. Sun in 11th House synastry partners make you feel friendly; however, the question of leadership in group work situations can arise quite sharply Juno in Pisces / 12th House - your partner is a unique person. Not submissive like a slave, but rather in an organizational way like a boss/assistant relationship. I have my natal sun and mercury in the 8th house and my partners sun and Venus lie in my 8th house. Thanks for the insight. If youre the house person, the Sun person really gets your gears going. Often this pair has a strong interest in making children together, although difficult aspects of the Sun to the partners planets can point to children as being a source of conflict in the relationship; or, if children are not the issue, your partner may feel stifled by your overpowering need to be the only one who gives them pleasure. It sounds a lot like how our relationship started. I did meet my partner when he was at rock bottom, in fact we both were, but I did feel like I helped him come out of that dark place and be transformed (while almost ignoring my own situation? It may just be that Sun person thinks that the house person can help them achieve some goal. Jan 3, 2020. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. My brother (one of many lol) has his sun in my 7th and 8th house (Aries) and my sun is in his 1st and 2nd house (Gemini). By nature I am not a possessive person (strange for an 8H sun native I know) although I can get obsessive about my ideas and thoughts and my mind never seems to shut off (mercury 8H). Both partners enjoy the romance in this relationship. So this is how it played for me. The Sun in 11th House synastry has major implications, and is the reason that this is considered one of the most important combinations in marriage charts. The Sun is in your Eleventh House of groups and friends, which means you enjoy the company of others, whether accompanying them or attending large parties where there is good food and plenty of alcohol. I might also obsess about my identity, who I am and how people perceive me. Needless to say, this makes for great sexual relations. You strive to be unique and original, and you make every effort to avoid prejudice and bigotry. Your partner sees you as a person with whom they can seek agreement and affirmation for their own belief systems. These folks often make great teachers if they choose this path. You are not simply a pair, but rather you complete one whole. Or between people, who fight for a humanitarian cause; who volunteer together; or work on a technology project together. In this case, you would very much enjoy the approval of the Sun person. This is because they believe in the ability of people to be touched by spirit and lifted into higher states of consciousness. At times, they can give the impression that they are somewhat distant from everyone, and at other times that they are overly dependent upon those around them. The position of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars should be closely examined in each of the horoscopes, and so should the state of the 1st, 7th, 5th house and their rulers. In this relationship, you tend to accept a no strings attached arrangement from the beginning. At the same time I feel so secure with him and have a really positive relationship with his family. The house person fits your image of authority and everything right and acceptable in society. You may also want to have kids together. This means that they can really get in your head. Sun in 11th House synastry can illustrate a partner who will support or aid the native. You accept the house person almost without thinking. The house person will not let go of the other under almost any circumstances. In this relationship, you tend to agree to a no-obligation arrangement from the start. In some cases, you might be very fascinated with your partner, as if he or she marches to the beat of a different drummer. You (Sun) feel deeply bonded to the house person. The creator of this numerology app is in no way liable of any actions that might be taken or not taken by users. You are drawn to them, perhaps, out of curiosity. In this case, the sun in the second house overlay will create a positive environment for the two of you to work to wards a profitable goal. You have an ability to communicate quite well, and people often find this easygoing manner quite charming. When you share something with others, it has a sense of meaning to you and you have something worthwhile to give. He wants to be pampered, but he also likes things to happen on time and the way he hopes they will fit into his physical and mental schedule. Virgo But when you break up with them, her interest in them usually disappears immediately. Natural teams working together for a common goal. Eleventh House- One of the best synastry to have for friends, love, or both. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You stimulate each other mentally. Saturn person shows willingness to invest in House 1 person for the long run. This person may be the "great love of your life." Their memory is likely to stick with you forever, as your relationship has spanned many lifetimes. The 11 th House person might have experienced some inconveniences with friendships or other social interactions in the past, but Chiron here can serve as a source of empowerment like a Mars placement. The Sun in the 11th House gives a love of home and family, a charitable nature, a pleasant personality, great community spirit and a love for people. You also have the effect of fueling your partners confidence, and to look beyond the drudgery of daily existence, to dream, and to do more. Synastry House Overlay Series-Uranus in the houses Sun in 11th House Synastry - Astrology School However, this is not necessarily romantic or intimate (although it can be). Vertex in Synastry - Your *TRUE* Compatibility is Here - Access New Age In the birth chart, the Sun represents the center of our personality, just as the Sun is the center of the solar system. Venus Synastry in the Houses PATH-STROLOGY Utilizing Astrology to Find Your Path Home Natal Placements / Aspects Synastry Placements / Aspects Composite Placements / Aspects Planet: Sun Planet: Moon Planet: Mars Planet: Venus Planet: Jupiter Planet: Uranus Planet: Pluto Asteroids + Points Celebrities / The Infamous Past Life Astrology You affect your partner deeply, and your partner is likely to be very sensitive to your actions. Of course, if your Sun is struck and stands in a masculine Sign, your indignation and protest will break out after a while, but still not so quickly, especially if you participate in some group event where the Sun in Eleventh House synastry partner is put over you by the elder: say, you have a kayaking campaign, and he is the commander. You awaken all sorts of issues in your partner, and your partners very identity is on the line in this relationship. Your email address will not be published. Above all this is a romantic, optimistic nature. The sun in the partners 8th house is unsettling for both partners. With 11th house influence, Ascendant person may feel inspired to do more extroverted activities like meeting groups or joining organizations. You are your partners buddy and comrade, and you fully appreciate spending fun leisure times together. You may like feeling that youre needed for something. Sun in 11th House nativities are leaders who are able to influence others. The danger with this position is that you can become bossy or prying if its not kept in check, and your partner may feel somewhat dependent on you. Its tightly enmeshed in other people and friendship. Because you create a non-judgmental environment, both of you are free to trust each other with regard to any problems or worries you face. This is particularly painful for me as his Saturn is directly in opposition to my 7H Venus and also my 8H sun. When you enter someones home for the first time, you immediately perceive and form expectations based on the surrounding environment. Another thing to note about my moon in his 8H, is I get pretty moody when I feel like he is holding back or not being intimate with me (emotionally or sexually) and often his holding back of intimacy makes me feel so mentally vulnerable and usually triggers me to have panic attacks. Hence, these two aren't planetary bodies. The house person enjoys how much the Sun person adores them. You think they dont understand you, nor approve of you. . Manage Settings It holds what natives want and need, also what they need to do for the common good. May be it can vary to some others. However, you may not get what he or she is all about, ultimately, and you should avoid finding irrational reasons to mistrust your partner as a result of this. You have a strange fascination with the house person that you cant quite understand since the house person seems so different from you. With this overlay, there is a strong desire to live together. A woman born with the sun in this house is optimistic and independent. Hes my best friend and we can always be completely ourselves with each other. Sun and Ketu Conjunction - VEDIC RAJ ASTROLOGY An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Sun in 11th House people are often known for their achievers and lifelong learners. Does it smell bad? Like the yin and yang, love and hate are two sides of the same coin. Because he takes it upon himself to speak in a spirit of friendly criticism, his remarks may be all the more valuable on that account, especially as he will normally be prepared, as a friend, to accept her exactly as she is. The Secret to Sexual Chemistry is found in our Astrological Sun Signs The Zodiac Signs & Commitment to Relationships Moon Sign Compatibility: The Best Indicator of a Long & Successful Marriage Rising Sign Compatibility & Attraction Rate Your Compatibility Synastry Chart Overlays Elements in Synastry Chart Overlays Chiron in Synastry through the Houses - Philosophy & Astrology It is not their 8th house, necessarily. He is literally obsessed with me to the point of stalking. You belong together. However, if they're not choosing their friends wisely, they can end up disillusioned. You tolerate their idiosyncrasy. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. With him, I am a bit obsessive about and possessive ( i am a Taurus that is how I roll naturally) I start to worry if I have not heard from him ( my pluto is in his first, so sometimes I think it is just that??). When two people come together as friends first, it creates a supportive foundation for any relationship, and this aspect is an indication of one such foundation. You affect your partner in very deep, even primal, ways. . He says he is obsessed and possessive and it is unhealthy how much he finds me attractive- I will say however I have been able to see straight through his BS since the first day I met him. However, his sun and venus are in my twelfth house ( and my pluto is in his 12th house) so that may ramp up the obsessiveness he has for me ( i assume). The Sun person sees the 11th house person as someone they can hang out with. When you overlay your Sun onto the chart of your partner, you can gain plenty of insight into how you affect that person, and what areas of their life you take particular interest in. The changes that the tenth house person will experience with this Uranus synastry can be very public as the tenth house is our house of career, public and social status. In an intimate relationship, there is likely to be considerable desire, but, again, be sure to avoid treating each other as if you own them. Please leave a comment below and let me know. Sun in 12th House Synastry, Explained by an Astrologer Sun In 11th House - Meaning, Synastry - Dream Astro Meanings You may or may not feel the same way about your partneryoull need to look to other factors to determine this. The fact that they are capable of taking charge of many projects will be seen as a plus sign by many people. As the Sun person, you may feel very unsettled, psychologically, by the house person, and yet you are powerless to leave. Sun in 1st House Synastry If someone's Sun is in your 1st House, it will create an instant connection. by Ryan Hart | Updated on May 3, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. **We always encourage feedback from users and casual browsers of our site. Im Capricorn sun, Pisces moon. There can be a general sense of mistrust that stems from misunderstanding. The Sun person enlights and develops the area where the Vertex person's Sun is located, acting as a protective and prominent figure. Neither one of you is judging the other. A mysterious house synastry with someone's Sun in another's twelfth house. beyond Sun Signs. You cant help but notice each other! You think they know better than you. You can enjoy a very basic sense of shared identity between you and your partner. Scorpio The Sun in the 11th House man wants to make a difference in the world. Synastry House Overlays-Sun in the houses - Hoe for the Stars;; According to astrology, the sun here will illuminate things related to psychology, sudden events, secrets, the occult, etc. Hello, how are you? All rights reserved. When this happens, each of you may rebel against each other as you struggle to regain your individuality. Where does your Sun fall in another persons chart? Sun in 11th House: How It Shapes Your Destiny and Personality The Sun person sees something of value in the house person. Other connections are fabulous but this one is a doozy! Why would the Sun person have the 8th house feelings triggered? In general, you will be inclined to let the partner be a leader in this synastry (unless the other factors contradict it), but he or she can go too far and try to impose their line on you in everything, ignoring your essential interests. You complete each other. Their Sun, with all it represents will be affecting your ideals, dreams, pursuits, social circles and outlook into the future! When it comes to the 11th house, in particular, it reflects the aspirations and longing for succeeding in life - "Per Aspera ad Astra". An 11th house overlay may form not only between long-term friends, but also between two scientists, working, together, for example. Although, keep in mind that this synastry overlay doesnt, by itself, ensure a long-term, or even a serious, relationship. The Sun person sees in the 11th house person someone, who they can spend pleasant time with. There is support and chances are there are several mutual friends between the two. Or are we dammed? Its as if you each are speaking a different language trying to manage a conversation. When your North Node is in the 12th house of your partner's natal chart, you will help the 12th house native become more spiritual and grow as a person. Indeed, your partner sees you as a true equal and peer. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, The 8H is also about shared resources and marriage and I want to share everything with him, give him all of me. Despite her seemingly fortunate destiny, the Sun in 11th House woman does not have a very harmonious personality. They may also feel the same friendly feeling towards 11th house person's friends. You may have similar philosophies on all kinds of things, ranging from how people should dress in public to how the public school system should be run. Planets in Synastry As you become more interested in synastry, you may want to take a look at how each individual's planets fit into the chart of the partner. Sun in the 5th house overlay: This is one of the best house overlay positions for the Sun to be in within a synastry chart for the sake of friendships, romances, and even long-term relationships.The Sun person will "shine a light" upon 5th house-related themes in this relationship, including all forms of pleasure, entertainment, games, hobbies, pastimes, creative pursuits and self . The Sun person has a vital and magnetic kind of energy that makes them remain close together. In fact, you may have met through friends. The South Node in Synastry November 9, 2012 astrologyanonymous27 When someone's planet or point conjuncts your natal South Node, a past life connection is indicated. The key terms to this house is social awareness, so it generally represents all kinds of social relations. For both partners with this overlay, there may be some common goal that youre working towards. This is not a deep, emotional overlay for relationships, but a positive one, nevertheless. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. (See instead: Sun overlays in 8th12th houses.). Check out all articles on Love Compatibility Here as well as our FREE Synastry App, which is pretty accurate in giving you an overview of the long-term potential of the relationship. Even in marriage, you have the tendency to treat each other as friends. You just know it. He has a strong need to make a name for himself and his lifetime goal is to become successful at some point in his lifetime. This is a creative and dynamic overlay, with plenty of romantic attraction and the promise of some truly pleasurable leisure time together. They have an amazing ability to draw people to them and the world can be their stage for expression of their talent or skill. However, you may feel that you are an object rather than a person in your partners eyes, or a means to an end. Whatever the motivation, they know that what motivates them also motivates other people. This doesnt mean that you cant be more than friends. This overlay can be a confusing one. Sun in 2nd house of Astrology. The Mars person in this relationship often brings a very active energy to the table, and can work as a powerful catalyst for their house partner's ambition, drive and sense of adventurousness.Conversely, the house person can help their Mars person direct their willpower and considerable energy in new and fruitful ways. Theres no better place for Sun than here because it is in harmony and at home. In this House, efforts from the job are being rewarded and the objective to become better is being fulfilled. I notice he tells me more than I think he would like too sometimes, but he is a Scorpio so it could just be that!
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