Can sourcesink relations explain responses of tobacco to infection by the root holoparasitic angiosperm Orobanche cernua? (2014). doi: 10.1016/S0261-2194(99)00070-8, Antonova, T. S., and Ter Borg, S. J. The embryos in broomrapes have not morphologically identified cotyledons or shoot meristems and upon germination, only a radicle emerges through the seed coat with the only function of reaching and invading the host. Several toxins have been identified with inhibitory activity on broomrape parasitism by interfering with broomrape germination and radicle elongation (Vurro et al., 2009; Fernndez-Aparicio et al., 2013; Cimmino et al., 2014). Broomrape, commonly called Orobanche, is a genus of more than 200 species of herbaceous plants native to the temperate northern hemisphere. Weed Sci. Weed Sci. The reduction of ABA:GA ratio induced by stratification (conditioning) is enough to break dormancy and promote germination in dormant seeds of non-parasitic weeds but it is not enough for broomrape, which requires a further decrease in ABA levels induced by the activation of the ABA catabolic gene PrCYP707A1 (Lechat et al., 2012). 2022 Feb 5;11(3):438. doi: 10.3390/plants11030438. 20, 8184. Exp. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.1995.tb01641.x, Gomez-Roldan, V., Fermas, S., Brewer, P. B., Puech-Pages, V., Dun, E. A., Pillot, J. P., et al. Sci. Res. Jan 08, 2016. Phytochemistry 72, 624634. Each broomrape species show specificity not only for root exudates in order to germinate but also for host species to invade and feed on, being the germination-stimulatory range usually broader than the actual host range (Fernndez-Aparicio et al., 2009b). J. Agric. (2010). The crops affected depend on the host range of the broomrape species considered but in general, those in the Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Apiaceae, Fabaceae, or Solanaceae such as sunflower, oilseed rape, carrot, faba bean, or tomato among many others, sustain the major attacks (Parker and Riches, 1993). In this process, cellular expansion of the root meristem is redirected from longitudinal to radial and the root apex changes its form from conical to spherical. Effect of amino acid application on induced resistance against citrus canker disease in lime plants. and Phelipanche spp.). Technol. However, the efficacy of these molecules has been proved only in laboratory essays. Pron, T., Vronsi, C., Mortreau, E., Pouvreau, J. Control 2, 291296. doi: 10.1007/s00425-006-0410-1, Zehhar, N., Ingouff, M., Bouya, D., and Fer, A. This is how can we live with this without huge yield losses. eCollection 2021 Sep 13. Plant Physiol. 93, 300313. Although some examples of successful control do exist for some crops, the majority of commercially available control methods are either not fully effective or not applicable to many of the affected crops, especially in the case of low-input crops (Joel, 2000). Keyes, W. J., Palmer, A. G., Erbil, W. K., Taylor, J. V., Apkarian, R. P., Weeks, E. R., et al. 47, 153159. Besides the effects of fertilization management on pre-attached broomrape stages described in previous sections, high soil fertility can induce crops to endure broomrape parasitism by helping the host to maintain a favorable osmotic potential that reduces the parasitic sink strength (Gworgwor and Weber, 1991). Ann. Aber, M., Fer, A., and Salle, G. (1983). Inter-cropping with berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) reduces infection by Orobanche crenata in legumes. Bagley urged growers and pest control advisors to be vigilant in avoiding spread of this weed to new fields. 6, 143. Sholmer-Ilan, A. doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2014.10.034, Conn, C. E., Bythell-Douglas, R., Neumann, D., Yoshida, S., Whittington, B., Westwood, J. H., et al. The effect of nitrogenous compounds on in vitro germination of Orobanche crenata Forsk. Several mechanisms underlying this resistance have been described at this stage such as production of gel-like substances within host vessels blocking the transfer of nutrients, host-encoded toxic-compounds delivered into the parasitic tissue though the vascular system and hormonal incompatibility that leads to abnormal haustorial maturation with scarce vascular connections (Fernndez-Aparicio et al., 2008c; Prez-de-Luque et al., 2008, 2009). Planta 227, 125132. a close related parasitic weed genus, but these hormones are ineffective in promoting germination of broomrape weeds (Lieberman, 1979; Logan and Stewart, 1995; Berner et al., 1999; Joel, 2000; Toh et al., 2012). Curr. First, broomrape weeds are achlorophyllous and therefore those herbicides that target photosynthetic process, e.g., triazines or substituted urease [C group in the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) classification], will have only limited effect on broomrapes. Root system in mature broomrape plants is reduced to short adventitious parasitic roots with functions of anchorage and stabilization in the soil and their leaves are reduced to small achlorophyllous scales (Parker and Riches, 1993). (1997). Seed response to strigolactone is controlled by abscisic acid-independent DNA methylation in the obligate root parasitic plant, Phelipanche ramosa L. Pomel. Pest Manag. Soc. It's a cute little bird - the Phainopepla. The terminal haustorium develops at the apex of the seedling radicle upon host recognition (Musselman, 1980; Joel and Losner-Goshen, 1994). In addition it promotes the development of a layer of papillae at the radicle apex in the absence of host contact, morphology that resembles the attachment organ (Joel and Losner-Goshen, 1994; Cimmino et al., 2015). Fertilization can induce soil suppressiveness to initiation of broomrape parasitism. 6, 31293140. One could even imagine situation Although broomrape pre-vascular connections benefits from host nutrients, the growth of broomrape in its way toward vascular cylinder is mainly sustained by consumption of seed reserves (Aber et al., 1983; Joel and Losner-Goshen, 1994; Joel, 2000). (1983). Breeding for broomrape resistance stands out as the most economic, easy to adopt and environmentally friendly practice. 65, 553559. Food Chem. Omissions? Being deprived of the initiation of autotrophic mode of life, the growth of broomrape seedling toward the host is only sustained by water absorption and remobilization of reserve nutrients from the seed perisperm and endosperm (Joel, 2000; Joel et al., 2012). (2007c). Weed Res. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.2009.00748.x. doi: 10.1002/ps.1740, Rubiales, D., Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Wegmann, K., and Joel, D. (2009b). More than 40 insect herbivores from 22 families have been collected on broomrape plants but a majority of them are polyphagous without any specificity for broomrape species being some of them serious pests of important crops (Klein and Kroschel, 2002). Orobanche species in Sudan: history, distribution and management. Review of the systematics of Scrophulariaceae s.l. Bot. Depending on the genetic background of the resistant host, the intrusive cells of broomrape seedling can be stopped at three different levels in their way of penetration through the root layers to achieve connection with the host vascular system. Prez-Vich, B., Velasco, L., Rich, P. J., and Ejeta, G. (2013). Weed Sci. Vaucher, J. P. (1823). Expression of a defense-related 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase gene in response to parasitism by Orobanche spp. Reviewed in Joel et al. Are pectinolytic activities of Orobanche cumana seedlings related to virulence towards sunflower? Plant Physiol. The effectiveness of amino acids as broomrape inhibitors has not been proved in real field conditions but field application of amino acids has been effective to manage other parasites such as plant-parasitic nematodes (Zhang et al., 2010). Escape and true resistance to crenate broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) 65, 478491. doi: 10.1071/SB05009, Thomas, H., Heller, A., Sauerborn, J., and Mller-Stver, D. (1999). (1998). 10. Bot. How Striga parasitizes its host: a TEM and SEM study. Ryecyanatines A and B and ryecarbonitrilines A and B, substituted cyanatophenol, cyanato-benzo[1,3] diole, and benzo[1,3]dioxolecarbonitriles from rye (Secale cereale L.) root exudates: new metabolites with allelophatic activity on Orobanche seed germination and radicle growth. Please also list any non-financial associations or . 89, 2327. Plant Growth Regul. The requirement for germination-inducing factors in order to break dormancy in parasitic seeds are bypassed by ethylene or cytokinins (which promotes ethylene biosynthesis) in Striga sp. This is a short and delicate stage where the parasite either connects with the host or dies due to nutrient exhaustion. Small broomrape tubercles or "spiders" attached to host plant roots. On the contrary, they must be highly susceptible, as the farmer is the one with the role of stopping the parasitic process by harvesting the catch crop as a green vegetable before the parasite emerges. Phytochemistry 32, 13991402. If this effect is confirmed, L-methionine use to elicit resistance to broomrape in susceptible crops could be a straightforward strategy either by direct applications of this amino acid in the soil as explained in Section Control Strategies Targeting Host Penetration or delivered by overproducing and excreting microorganisms as explained in Section Strategies to Control Underground Broomrapes Acting after Establishment.. 48, 93117. Mol. Biol. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Novel approaches can increase broomrape control by fungi. The following sections and Table 1 review the major feasible control measures for broomrape control. doi: 10.1007/s00299-005-0052-y, Amsellem, Z., Zidack, N. K., Quimby, Jr P. C, and Gressel, J. Plant Microbe Interact. A. C. Verkleij (Nantes: University of Nantes), 294295. Biocontrol Sci. Res. With target-site resistance, the herbicide translocates unmetabolised to the underground broomrape via the haustorium inflicting its suppressive action in the parasite (Gressel, 2009). doi: 10.1111/j.1366-9516.2005.00179.x, Parker, C. (2009). doi: 10.1039/b907026e, Boari, A., and Vurro, M. (2004). Abu-Irmaileh B. E. (1994). The efficient action of the biological control agent will depend on its ability to remain active over a large range of ecological conditions (Aly, 2007). Haustorial initiation and differentiation, in Parasitic Plants, eds M. C. Press and J. D. Graves (London: Chapman and Hall), 3979. And four, despite reports on broomrape inefficient machinery for nitrogen assimilation, and on amino acid fluxes from the host phloem to the parasite, herbicides inhibiting amino acid biosynthesis in the parasite via suppressive action on broomrape-encoded acetolactate synthase (ALS) and enol-pyruvylshikimate phosphate synthase (EPSPS) enzymes are able to kill broomrape. Understanding the key processes of host recognition, haustorium development and maturation and metabolic regulation of the parasitic sink allow virulence predictions and the design and implementation of highly calibrated, feasible, and durable control strategies leading to the arrest of broomrape parasitism minimizing simultaneously environmental impact and yield losses. As a consequence of the high risk of establishment failure in the seedling, broomrapes have evolved germination strategies that predict establishment potential based on host chemodetection (Vaucher, 1823). The role of strigolactones in host specificity of Orobanche and Phelipanche seed germination. 9, 58. Thermoinhibition uncovers a role for strigolactones in Arabidopsis seed germination. 2018 Aug;102(8):1477-1488. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-01-18-0020-FE. doi: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2005.09.017. 2021 Dec;37(6):512-520. doi: 10.5423/PPJ.OA.04.2021.0066. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erv119, Lechat, M. M., Pouvreau, J. Phelipanche aegyptiaca management in tomato. (2009). List of Inert Pesticide Ingredients List 4b. Tolerant varieties are able to endure infection with minor losses on productivity. Phytopathol. Infection of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) by crenate broomrape (Orobanche crenata) as influenced by sowing date and weather conditions. Annu. 36, 395404. Annu. doi: 10.1080/09583150903340544, Barker, E. R., Press, M. C., Scholes, J. D., and Quick, W. P. (1996). This paper reviews relevant facts about the biology of broomrape weeds, the key mechanisms they employ to attack crops and the control methods already developed or in development that directly target those mechanisms. Copyright 2016 Fernndez-Aparicio, Reboud and Gibot-Leclerc. Keyes, W. J., OMalley, R. C., Kim, D., and Lynn, D. G. (2000). Methods for selecting hypervirulent biocontrol agents of weeds: why and how? Recherches sur les phanerogames parasites (etude dOrobanche hederae Duby). 14, 273278. Bot. J. (2002). doi: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03171.x, Klein, O., and Kroschel, J. Field Crops Res. Due to their achlorophyllous nature, broomrapes are constrained to obtain their nutritional resources by feeding off other plants using the haustorium, an organ unique in parasitic plants through which the parasite diverts water and nutrients from the host (De Candolle, 1813; Kuijt, 1969; Musselman and Dickison, 1975; Westwood, 2013). Besides arginine and aspartate, other major forms of amino acids translocate from the host phloem but they are rapidly utilized by broomrape. Linke, K. H., and Saxena, M. C. (1991). Mayer, A. M., and Bar-Nun, N. (1994). The first step of conditioning promotes in the parasitic seed receptors the required sensitivity for the second step of host detection (Musselman, 1980; Kebreab and Murdoch, 1999; Lechat et al., 2012, 2015; Murdoch and Kebreab, 2013). doi: 10.1038/nature07271, Gonsior, G., Buschmann, H., Szinicz, G., Spring, O., and Sauerborn, J. For each broomrape-crop association, broomrape germination potential is defined by the combination of both, the stimulatory capability of crop root exudates and the sensitivity of parasitic receptors to recognize specific forms of germination-inducing factors (Fernndez-Aparicio et al., 2008a, 2009b, 2011). Bookshelf Effects of environment and sowing date on the competition between faba bean (Vicia faba) and the parasitic weed Orobanche crenata. This parasite extracts all its nutrients at the host's expense so that host-parasite trophic relationships are crucial to determine host and parasite growth. Orobanche crenata in Ethiopia. (1999). The parasitic weed radicle that emerges from germinated seed and carries the attachment organ is also targeted by those mycoherbicides (Abbasher and Sauerborn, 1992). doi: 10.1002/ps.993, Tank, D. C., Beardsley, P. M., Kelchner, S. A., and Olmstead, R. G. (2006). Crops with target-site herbicide resistance for Orobanche and Striga control. (2006). Plant J. The biology of Striga, Orobanche and other root parasitic weeds. 12, 638652. However, the overall productivity of the host-parasite system is also reduced due to the shorter growing period being detrimental for crop yield. Striga resistance in the wild relatives of sorghum. Biotic inducers of systemic resistance have also proved being successful against broomrape parasitism under experimental conditions. Underground Mechanisms of Parasitism and Associated Strategies for their Control: A Review. Death of the young broomrape tubercles shortly after nutritive flow initiation has been observed in cultivars carrying post-haustorial resistance in the form of growth arrest and necrosis of young tubercles.
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