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These prophecies relate to the future and they will be realized. Help us to gain the strength, and the confidence, to stand up and declare the Truth at all times. (This blog,, is not associated in anyway with ChristoGifts. The Word of God, as contained in the Holy Bible, both the Old and the New Testaments, the Word of God, the Truth, is being given to the world through these messages by the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Everything I did was for you and everything that comes from My Victory over death is yours. It has always been Gods desire to intervene in the world by revealing the Truth to chosen souls as a mean to create a better understanding as to what is needed to save your soul. I refer to all those who know Me and who remain loyal to My Holy Doctrine, contained within the most Holy Bible. On November 8, 2010 at 3:30 pm, an unknown visionary and seer from Europe by the name of Maria Divine Mercy received the first of what are now well over a thousand messages and prophecies given from God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother in the Holy Spirit. I cherish the souls of every one of Gods children. You will be led into a doctrine of deceit. INTRODUCTION, Pope Francis In Perspective A Chronology, Pope Francis 13 Rotten Fruits from The Bad Tree, VIDEO: Pope Francis The False Prophet Is Here, VIDEO: Pope Francis, 'A Subversive Agent' Priest Calls for Resistance, Priest Speaks Up Against 'The Francis Effect', VIDEO: Father Minutella and the Pope Francis Regime, Cardinal Mafia Against Benedict Pro Bergoglio, VIDEO: Pope Francis Criminal of Divine Law, VIDEO: Pope Francis Man Against God's Word, VIDEO: False Prophet Pope Francis Breaks The Cross, VIDEO: False Prophet Pope Francis Beyond Heresy, VIDEO: False Prophet Pope Francis Curse Upon The Church, VIDEO: Pope Francis and The One World Religion, VIDEO: False Prophet pope Francis Carne Massonica, VIDEO: 'Pope Francis' The Church of Sports, VIDEO: Pope Francis Together With The Enemy, Pope Francis Marching Toward One World Religion, New World Pope of the New Laws within the New United Nations of Religions, New World Pope Satanism, Freemasonry, Occult Signs, Pope Francis, The Rotary Club, Masonic Signs & Wonders, VIDEO: Pope Francis In Contrast to The Word of God, New World Pope Francis Analysis of Statements and Events, New World Pope Francis Marketing Machine, Pope Francis Top 10 List How to Be Happy, The Holy Eucharist Messages to Maria Divine Mercy, New World Pope Francis Fulfilled Prophecies, Attack Blogs and Lobbies Against Maria Divine Mercy, The Messages, and Their Readers PART I, Attack Blogs and Lobbies Against Maria Divine Mercy, The Messages, and Their Readers PART II, The Great Ceremony of Christmas 2014 (part I), ALL Maria Divine Mercy, The Book of Truth, The Queen of Heaven and Earth ~ Mary Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God, VIDEO: Christianity Costs The Apostles & The Master, A few words to theologians and apologists, The Untold Story of Jesus and the Serpent, God, The Sinking Ship and the Five Percent, THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD CRUSADE PRAYER 33, The New Age of the New World Order Inverted Reality All The Worlds A Stage, TONY PALMER changes the EUCHARIST - The WILD VOICE, Pope Francis not interested in converting Evangelicals - The WILD VOICE, ALIEN JESUS in Catholic Diocese - The WILD VOICE, Exorcist Says Satanism is Real in Oklahoma, The NEW WORLD POPE of the NEW LAWS within the NEW UNITED NATIONS RELIGION, ISIS, the AntiChrist, the Crow, the Witnesses, The Lights and Darkness of Christmas in Italy, The Church's Enemies Within The Church - The WILD VOICE, VIDEO: The Antichrist by Ven. This mission is protected by the Heavens and cannot be destroyed. Divine Mercy - YouTube She writes anonymous, stating, "The woman wishes to be known . No man has the ability to write such Messages as these. around every world leader or head of government in the world. And they said to me, 'You must prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings"Revelation 10:10. Do those among you who proclaim to know Me not think that My Father would send a final prophet to prepare you, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, before My Second Coming? This blog protected by the Holy Spirit, will be updated with any new messages. A prophet will always be an outcast, hated, feared and isolated. "And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." My only desire is to save them all. sort by. We must remain faithful from this very moment, which is already gone as you now read the next word written by my small self, until the eternal now when darkness will no longer be. I ask that you keep a clear and open mind when reading My Messages for the first time, for this will probably be the only time you will witness My Voice from Heaven until the day you have all been waiting for arrives. He, My Eternal Father, loves everyone and this mission was foretold. They will never die because they spoke the Word of the Lord, God the Most High. Click here for 2013 Messages Book of Truth When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. Their words live forever. Only true prophets attract hatred. This website contains a series of messages given to an ordinary married Catholic woman from Ireland, Maria Divine Mercy (psudoname, given to her by Jesus), by the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, on a daily basis since 09 November 2010. I try to draw them to Me. Fulton Sheen, VIDEO: Pope Francis, False Prophet Advancing Antichrist. You will be asked to tell the Truth, but the Truth will shock, just as it will salvage souls. Sadly, no. So you must remain quiet, isolated and anonymous until I give you the instruction. Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Updated with responsive scrolling, HD images, and more. If God decides to give His children extra Gifts, then that is His prerogative. My dearly beloved daughter, the pain of the prophets who came before you has never truly been known. Your will is Mine, for you gave it away to Me and now I reside completely within you. Go, My children, and do not fear. This website contains a series of messages given to an ordinary married Catholic woman from Ireland, Maria Divine Mercy (psudoname, given to her by Jesus), by the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, on a daily basis since 09 November 2010.She has received over 1,250 public messages as well as a number of private ones, all . My warning to you now is to listen to the prophecies. Followers of Maria Divine Mercy have been scammed by an extremely unscrupulous fraudster March 27, 2020 Editor 30 Comments by Br. They found it hard to understand the prophecies and many of them were ignorant of the meaning of the Words, which were dictated to them. Here you will find a series of divine messages a European woman, known as Maria Divine Mercy, says she has received from God daily since 8th November 2010. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.". Always. They denied Him for they thought that the Messiah would be majestic, proud and would command attention in the highest echelons of the church. Were they ready? You must allow the happiness, which can only come as a Gift from God, to flood your souls in the knowledge of what is to come. Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 @ 22:12. Let us rejoice as soon our blindness to the Glory Almighty will be taken away from all of humanity, poor banished children of Eve. around the U.S. and around the 50 States and Puerto Rico; around the White House, around the Government buildings; around President Trump and Vice-President Pence. They will then recognize the emptiness they had felt inside, before I bring them this comfort. But their load was heavy. Prepare for this global Mission, like no other. The month before? Maria Divine Mercy - The Book of Truth - The WILD VOICE Go, my dear children, and ask Me to protect you always for it is my mission to draw you along the difficult path to the Throne of my precious Son, Jesus Christ. All Messages and Crusade Prayers given to Maria Divine Mercy above may all be freely read and downloaded in their entirety at this link Book of Truth, please see also They led lonely and frightening lives and fell down many times because of the difficulty of their Mission. January 7, 2021 - Refuge Documents from Fr. Michel Rodrigue Now it is up to you to spread the Truth. This website contains a back-up of the heavenly messages and prayers originally published on the website, which is no longer in operation. Reject them as nonsense and you will rue the day you turned your back on the Truth promised to you as Gods cherished children. Not one. The Truth, Being God Who Is Three and Who Are One Is the Father Whom Sent His Verb and Whom Spoke Through the Holy Spirit. PROPHECY Reflections On Amoris Laetitia - From the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) PROPHECY 2013 Prophecy about the Abomination of Desolation from Our Lord Jesus Christ; . Those who will refuse My Hand of Mercy, who wander away from Me and who destroy their souls by honouring Satan and all his empty promises, instead of their God and Creator, will be denied Eternal Life, unless they beg for My Mercy. Message from Sunday May 18 2013 given through Maria Divine Mercy The Book of Truth. Until that happens there can be no peace on Earth. By doing so, they are denying the Holy Gospel of God. Here are some important prophecy summaries of heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth: 2012 Prophecy from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Foretold About the Planned Destruction of the Family in a Future Papal Letter (Amoris Laetitia) (Book of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Reflections On Amoris Laetitia From the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), 2013 Prophecy about the Abomination of Desolation from Our Lord Jesus Christ (Book of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Prophecy The antichrist will declare that he is Jesus Christ, Prophecy The false prophet will be the ape of Saint John the Baptist, After The Warning Sequence Of Events Leading Up To Reign Of antichrist, Prophecy Grotesque Form Of Satanic Cross Will Be The Symbol Of The One World Religion (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Prophecy New Oath Of Allegiance Will Replace Holy Orders, Confirmation, And The Apostles Creed (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Prophecy New Book Of Heresy Will Replace The Holy Bible (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Prophecy New Temple Will Be Built In Rome For The Beast (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Those who demand answers will be ignored and later ridiculed for daring to question those who claim to lead My Church on Earth (Book of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Is Prophecy Being Fulfilled? When they mock you, they deny the Truth. Turn to Me and I will pour My Light over you.