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USA Ley Line Map - Vortex Hunters The spiral is another typical geometric pattern, with hurricanes, pinecones, and the Nautilus shell. An illustrated article from the May 9, 1937 edition of the Los Angeles Times featured his unique home and the public airstrip. It hadnt helped that he had installed a short-wave radio antenna and receiver on a nearby rock formation, adding to the speculation that he was a Nazi spy. We can identify these patterns in nature. Ley Lines: The Real Story Behind the Magical, Imaginative Lines The 33rd Parallel - Masonic Line of Death for Psychic Energy For instance, the hexagon is the structure of beehives and the dragonflys eyes. Adamski described Orthon as a fashionably attired extraterrestrial sporting a belted jumpsuit, with tanned Nordic features and shoulder-length blond hair who communicated telepathically. He also graded an emergency landing field on the dry lake east of the boulder, complete with an unauthorized windsock, which remained operational from 1940 to 1975. Drawn to the high desert, he eventually applied for a Bureau of Land Management permit to operate the airport on 2,600 acres of public land in 1945. The total thyroid tissue exposure amounted to 110 million person-rads, about 29 percent of all exposure due to continental nuclear tests. After sustaining up to 100 bloody gashes, McCraken was hospitalized. Missouri residents are close by to one of the more well-known sites, not far from our beloved St. Louis: http://www.sacred-destinations.com/usa/cahokia. Required fields are marked *. Van Tassel claims to have worked as a flight safety inspector and even as Howard Hughes test pilot, although some researchers assert that he most likely embellished his career history.12 Van Tassel additionally claimed that he had first met Critzer in 1930 at his uncle Glenn Paines Santa Monica auto repair shop, just before the aspiring prospector made his way out to the Morongo Basin. This site is a region on the northeast coast of Hawaii. Footnote: Zaca Lake was sacred to the Chumash for thousands of years - they believed the lake has no bottom and their Elders went there to die. [14] Van Tassel described the spaceship as about thirty-six feet in diameter and about nineteen feet high, with an interior space that appeared somewhat smaller. Read American Ley Lines then get out there on the energy leys! Big Horn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming. The following few are some of the better known. 12.22.2019 Dear Hunters:There is a park on the edge of San Francisco Bay called Coyote Point and there is an observation deck to watch planes land at SFO and also a children's zoo/museum there. Bethurum detailed his own experience in his 1954 book, Aboard a Flying Saucer, claiming how he had boarded a spacecraft that landed in the desert near a worksite where he and a construction crew were laying asphalt. Broadening the Definition of Leys: Geomantic Corridors. Essentially, these lines form a sort of grid or matrix and are composed of the earth's natural energies. Ley Lines Of The Midwest | Slate Star Codex Southern California Southern California is a megapolitan area in the southern region of the US. One of the more down to earth theories about ley lines relates to their use as a technique for navigation. Both spellings were used interchangeably in various historical newspaper accounts. For example, there are many practitioners of distance healing practices, like Reiki. Views Written By Posted; World Ley Line Locator: 34770: Deep1 26-Jan-11 20:23: Re: World Ley Line Locator: 2987: s-d.adrain 27-Jan-11 08:09: Re: World Ley Line Locator: 1167: poster72 27-Jan-11 18:23: So here's the truth: ley lines . This is in part due to The California Energy Commission develops and maintains maps and geospatial information on Californias energy infrastructure and related activities. Here, the Mojave Desert plays a starring role in Van Tassels out-of-this-world vision that was both a site for the wildly popular UFO conventions he hosted and his magnum opus, the Integratron. (9) Sacred Geometry, Wikipedia The ley lines, sacred geometry, and energy nodes of the Sierra Nevada are no exception. And . And it is where we find ground zero for detonating ancient nuclear weapons. Sailing Stones of Death Valley Mystery Solved This data was traced from GMaps aerial layers using old USGS topos as references. Shri Naath Devi and her acolytes interpreted this event as Mother Earth opening her arms to us, cracking open her heart for the world to see.[4] This episode adds yet another cryptic layer to the strange and colorful folk history of Giant Rock, which some considered the largest freestanding boulder in the world. The Earth in a regular mathematical pattern. Baldy in Southern California. Along these lines, at the places they intersect, there are pockets of concentrated energy, that can be harnessed by certain individuals. Very cool world map with ley lines where you can zoom in to any level of detail you want. A belief that Ley lines (sometimes referred to as Dragon Lines) exist has been held through the centuries and carry some form of . Ley Lines: The Secret Force of Nature The Ancients Knew About. The pyramid shape of the illuminati in a building designed to make decisions over the. Ashland in Southern Oregon Nikola Teslas discoveries made Westinghouse what it is today. These are locations with strange and unexpected electrical and magnetic activity. Mathematics and geometry are subjects that intrigue many people. If youd like to experience working with Catherine, the best place is to start is with the Exploratory Session. Energy Maps of California Benjamin Radford at Live Science says , More than fifteen leys, covering every state. [5] The itinerant Critzer was born in 1886 in Waynesboro, Virginia. (1) Ivan T. Sanderson, Wikipedia Dean Traylor (author) from Southern California/Spokane, Washington (long story) on September 03, 2019: Take some milk of magnesia, that makes the stomach less queasy, Mike. He drew a straight line across southern England, and then one from the southern point of Ireland to Israel, claiming to connect seven separate locales with the name "Michael" in some form. Today, these links are called energy ley lines. Don't search a large area this way, it takes too long. This can be expected to eventually cause about 34,000 cases of thyroid cancer, leading to some 1,750 deaths. Check out our new interactive ley line map that connects the 3 strongest vortices in North America - Mount Shasta, Buffalo Lake and the Bermuda Triangle. Ley Lines: In Search of the Truth (ley line history & locations) But when I finished the job, Van Tassel told me, They surely must have been guiding you on this. Another notable mid-century contactee with Mojave Desert connections was Truman Bethurum, a day laborer who moonlighted as a fortuneteller and spiritual advisor. Maybe this is where the expression evolved of let George do it. Here we have George Criles research tied in with George Lakhovskys principles, being extended by George Van Tassel. Ancient legends talk about how people could tap into the earths energy at specific points. Google Maps. What are Ley Lines? - Geography Realm - Geography, Maps, and GIS Possible points include castles (or even places with. This sixteen-sided domed wooden structure is thirty-eight feet high and fifty-five feet in diameter, joined together without nails or metal fasteners to interfere with its conductive qualities. Alternatively, if the great boulder split through the middle, Mother was displeased with humankind. Catalina Island - reported UFO activity. This article is co-published with KCET Artbound. Does a map of the ley lines of Peru exist. 1-5 freeway from Southern Oregon to Southern California because it crosses, rather than follows, some powerful lines between major vortices. Karachi is on southern Pakistans coastline in a natural harbor on the Arabian Sea. a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens or Neanderthals. The Mojave Project strives to acknowledge and illuminate the histories and stories of Indigenous people of the Mojave Desertthe Chemehuevi, Mojave, Serrano, Southern Paiute, Timbisha Shoshone and Western Shoshoneall who continue to occupy and persist throughout this arid region today. I love your work in every way. Perhaps there is some validity to this assertion? chose the word because along these alignments he found a preponderance of towns with Ley Lines, The Supernatural Lines That Connect The Universe One of Critzers strangest boasts was how he was so full of electricity that he could charge flashlight batteries by simply placing them under his pillow while he slept.[9]. These ruins are located just south of Timbuktus city. [15] Operation Tumbler-Snapper, The Nuclear Weapon Archive, accessed May 2018,https://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Tumblers.html. Most data is from before 10/2010. The earth energy grid is an ancient matrix of lines of subtle forces that form a pattern around the globe. The Montana Megaliths are located precisely on the 17 to 8 grid line on this world map. We doubt these ancient cultures had contact with one another. Oxford Concise Dictionary -The supposed straight line of prehistoric track usually between Hilltops, Churches, Temples, Stone Circles, Burial Sites, Spiritual Locations Druids. And to the Rockefeller Museum. It is famous for the statues of the giant alien-looking faces the Moai. e-book $9.99, Peter Champoux has produced a huge body of remarkable Earth Energies research, and you can see much more at GeometryofPlace.com. Provides links to a collection of California energy maps in PDF format. (see page xxx), Old Mission Santa Barbara strong spiritual energy pouring out of the altar, Zaca Lake energy vortex, possible UFO activity. A 2014 New York Times feature described the experience as similar to being inside of a musical instrument. Indeed, participating in a sound bath at the Integratron is to encounter sound both purely and physically. Map of the Earth's Ley Lines - Global Enlightenment Project Mr. Sanderson identified 12 areas he calls Vile Vortices. According to Van Tassels story, Critzer had found himself broke and in desperate need of car repairs when he stumbled into Paines shop. We vibrate the surface, and a shape appears in the sand. This grid shows many well-known archeological sites and areas of unexplained phenomena. Leys between Gold Hill, Oregon; Yucatan Peninsula, & Cairo, Genuine Vortexes Open as Tourist Attractions, DC & US Capitol Cities on Volcano Latitudes, EarthStar North America, the Wheel with 19 Spokes diagram, EarthStar North America map detail: Crater Lake, Sisters, Columbia River, Rainier, Rica, Individualization of the Three Americas, Chaco Canyon Meridian to Casas Grandes, Mexico, Iceland - Hawaii - South Orkney Islands Triangle, Alaska as the Center of a Great Circle of Ancient Sites, Alaska & the Great Pyramid, Corners of a Square, Nova Scotia Energy Axis and 5-pointed Stars, Costa Rica 8-sided Medicine Wheel Unites North & South, Complete Set of Grid Lines over South America. Perhaps that is why ley lines and vibrational geometry draw our attention. The ley of the land | | The Guardian This intricate geometric shape cannot be a coincidence. For a fee, immersive sound-bath sessions are performed with specialized white quartz bowls of varying sizes to produce transformative harmonic sound frequencies within the acoustically perfect upstairs space. By Melissa Curtin Posted on March 26, 2018 Updated on November 18, 2019. There are over 4000 sites of historical and spiritual significance on this grid. Maps Mania: How Spiritual is Your House? - Blogger Who knows whats down there? Energy ley lines, sacred geometry, and wormholes of the Sierra Nevada He has appeared as a vortex researcher on TV (History and Travel channels) and in movies, and consulted to network television shows including The Blacklist. [25] Archibald, Mass Effect. Lakhosvskys research and the Multiple Wave Oscillator are described in detail by Archibald. A TIME MACHINE Tour studios like Warner Bros., Paramount, and Universal. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, our Gaia. The most inhospitable climates on the planet are the poles. Mt. A ley line is a completely straight line across the landscape that runs from one landmark of historic importance to another, and crosses through one or more similar landmarks along its route. After such a trip, I feel that I have to get myself "back together" again. It is a perfect structural shape that can endure impacts and harsh temperatures. Early Britons would pick a place to start and then follow the paths based on line of sight to the next highest point, monument, or other unique geographical feature. [13] George Van Tassel,I Rode A Flying Saucer (Los Angeles: New Age Publishing Co., 1952), 18. Jillian Dara. Energy Vortexes: What Are They & Where to Locate Them - Be My Travel Muse Its exactly what we want.. We dont know how or why they chose the sites to build significant monuments and buildings. Sacred temples of the ancient world around the Mediterranean are located at powerful vortices and drawing lines between them will bring out patterns of triangles. We know little more than that. Included is a map and grid of survey 4163 at its original flight elevation, which was generated with a grid spacing of 100 m due to a 448 m (~1,478-ft) flight-line spacing. Fittingly, Van Tassels epitaph read Birth through Induction, Death by Short Circuit., After Van Tassels death, his second wife, Dorris, leased the building to several tenants, including one who had plans to make the dome into a disco. In Canada the Main area of Ley lines is the ruins of Calgery. Many other cultures claim they could even see these lines and build roads and buildings accordingly. They saw how to flip the Icosahedron (6) inside out into the dodecahedron (7). Captain Rhanes offered Bethurum a ride on her spacecraft, but she reneged. We find landscape geometries of every sort: circles, polygons, stars, pyramids, Draw lines on the map connecting the area identified. During the early 1950s, Van Tassel began hosting Friday night meditation sessions in Critzers former subterranean digs. There is a whole swirl of vortices around and near the Golden Gate Bridge, and these might be the coming together of several faults--many ley lines follow the great faults and waterways on the surface of our earth. sacred places, and perhaps circles the Earth. Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of 'spirit', 'dream', or 'energy' paths. Ley Lines Southern California Map - States Map Of The Us There are some ways to do this. Or better yet use those ley lines to find the good. Lassen and Mt. This definition makes sense but doesn't provide the whole picture of what ley lines truly are. Energy points are near or pass through mountains and bodies of water that form a ring around the Grand Tetons. The southern side of the Grand Canon has alot of major ley lines. Thus, rather than sitting between the two copper coils of Lakhovskys design, Van Tassels participants were immersed in a giant copper generating spiral that encircled the entire building. Their scientific name, aurora borealis, is also called northern lights, and southern lights are called aurora australis. I now know I am not the only person on the planet doing what I am doing. Comparing Curry Lines Hartmann Lines and Ley Lines Curry lines are approximately 3 meters apart with variations diagonally to the poles east to west. Although this was only some 40 percent more than that released by Buster-Jangle, unfavorable weather patterns caused dramatically higher civilian radiation exposures (about fifteen-fold). We are only now re-discovering parts of this knowledge. We dont know how they discovered these sites or how they used the energy. If you have trouble accessing any information, including the tools and maps on this website, contact the GIS Unit. Then you can plot these extra points on the grid. (8) Nikola Tesla, Wikipedia California Routes: US Highways and State Routes include: Route 6, Route 50, Route 101, Route 199 and Route 395. What Are Ley-Lines? Well focus our attention on twelve of these well-known sites. Many of these sites were built along the major earth energy grid lines and where these lines intersect at nodal points. For instance, on April 19, 1952, Kerrull, 64th projection, 2nd wave, 4th sector patrol, realms of Schare proclaims, due to inaccurate calculations, many of your fellow beings will suffer prolonged illness from an experiment to be conducted next week. Everyone seems to have a different number for how long the California coast really is: The California Coastal Commission says "1,100 magnificent miles across ten degrees of latitude." Visit California says it's 1,264 miles long. In his 1976 collection of writings When Stars Look Down, he notes: Whether one believes in Christ, or not, is not the pointThe point is that the conditions of earth require outside intervention, and the time conforms to the requirements of prophecy. Thus, Van Tassel and other 1950s Christian ufologists including Adamski and Orfeo Angelucci ushered in the 1970s New Age of Earth movement, mixing esoteric traditions, occultism, 1960s counterculture and environmentalism into an eclectic, holistic spiritual institution. vesica pisces, and more. If our highways, railroad tracks and airways were laid out Following ley lines rather than crossing Airborne measurement of the earth's magnetic field over all of North America provides gridded data describing the magnetic anomaly caused by variations in earth materials and structure. The Greater Los Angeles place and the San Francisco recess place are the. For a fee, immersive sound-bath sessions are performed with specialized white quartz bowls of varying sizes to produce transformative harmonic sound frequencies within the acoustically perfect upstairs space. Sign in. [18] There are many other colorful Biblical reinterpretations described in When Stars Look Down, including this gem on page 37: This mass pickup of people will take place very soon, prior to the planets rebalancing on new poles. Detailed map of Southern California region. Famous graves and summer movies make Hollywood Forever cemetery a worthwhile stop as well. You are either an instrument of God or a pawn of the devil. Followers close to Van Tassel claimed that the blueprints were stolen and attributed the theft as a conspiratorial cover-up to prevent the machine from being used as planned. Explanation of the construction of ancient sites along the ley lines and the understanding of the energy lines in Chinese and Indian cultures. "Ley" lines, or "Earth Energy" lines exist all across America, absolutely. In all, they removed over seven tons of trash from the surrounding site. He believed the magnetic field of the earth was a free source of energy, but his work was undermined and discredited by Thomas Edison. Shasta, Mt. Van Tassel worked for Douglas Aircraft until 1941, then moved on to Howard Hughes operation and finally ended his aviation career at Lockheeds Skunk Works in Burbank. Ley Lines are not few or far between.If you get an ordinace survey map of any part of England and find a church,castle monastary,earth mound or any place that has any form of religeous connections . Its deepest point is over 25,000 feet (7,600 meters). All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid the primary light and energy matrix creating enveloping and maintaining planet Earth our Gaia. Bethurum claims he never saw or heard from her again, although he remained obsessed with the illusory Aura throughout his life, leading to the failure of his second marriage. To select data from a rectangular area, hold the Ctrl key (use Cmd key on Macs) and drag the pointer. California is a declare in the Pacific Region of the joined States. Once the structure was operational, Van Tassel intended for participants to don white suits, enter and pass through the lower floor in a precise 270-degree arc, during which each individual was exposed to the machines rejuvenating electromagnetic vibrations before exiting through the rear door. Ojai, California was recently surrounded by a ring of fire. Located at 10,000 ft above sea level, this ancient Wheel (700 yrs old) has many radiating spokes and stone piles (cairns) and is still used by the Crow Nation today. All Rights Reserved, All of Californias National Parks, Ranked, My Birth Story: A Crazy Fast Labor and Positive Induction . the importance of ley lines and vortices - 4 Truth Seekers This map shows the locations of 4 two-color EDM (Electronic Distance Meter) networks in Southern California. [22] Ainsworth, Plans for Out of This World.. California Maps & Facts - World Atlas Giant Rock, Space People and the Integratron To add fuel to the fire, Critzer had been under FBI investigation sometime during the late 1930s for suspicious activities spurred by pre-World War II paranoia and his fraudulently assumed German heritage. And they can draw upon it for creative or healing power. Karachi is the home of the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro. We drove up to Zaca Lake to see if we could visit and found ourselves facing a locked gate with a No Trespassing sign. Newman partnered with the Yucca Valleys Hi-Desert Nature Museum to develop Our Giant Rock: A Community Touchstone in the Mojave, a multimedia project and programming series funded by California Humanities, scheduled for public launch in 2020. 14072016 I have been unable to find a map of Peruvian ley lines or even South America. Like 396 million residents California is the most populous US. This article shows significant places where we find unusual architecture or where ships and planes have disappeared. Earth's Grid System: Science and Pseudoscience Earth's Grid Systems Science and Pseudoscience page at Crystal Links. Critzer planned to repay them once he struck it rich. Edgar Cayce spoke of gigantic earthquakes in Southern California after Mount Etna in Italy and Mount Pelee on the Island of Martinique exploded. Map of California Cities - California Road Map - Geology The St Michael's line is an invisible line drawn across the south of England connecting many historical churches, prehistoric monuments and sites of interest which have an affinity with Saint Michael. But its designation as a time machine has been misconstrued. Asked whether he had received his design directives from aliens in an interview. Fast-forward to today. And Peter introduces his version of energy leys, the Earth Rings. Talk to Dan. Depending on the year and the source cited, the convention reportedly attracted 1,200 to 11,000 attendees during the mid-to-late-1950s. Even if you dont live near one of these energy conduits, you can still connect with this energy. Ashland, Mt. How To Find Energy Vortex Locations In The USA - Amanda Linette Meder archeo-astronomicalsites, dolmens, rock cairns and stone circles are being re-discovered in the United States. This system of vortices and ley lines is not a new idea. [3] Joanne Karl, one of Integratrons current owners, was present for the long dance ceremony headed by Shri Naath Devi and described the event. They are all built and aligned with a network of ley lines. But all was lost in the explosion. Southern California is a megapolitan area in the southern region of the U.S. state of California. A few years later, however, a Times article dated July 26, 1942, presented Critzer in a completely different light: three Riverside deputy sheriffs raided his subterranean home on July 25, 1942, seeking information on recent thefts of dynamite, gasoline and mining equipment in area towns.