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(They said no.) ", "If they had even one shred of decency they would have taken full responsibility for creating and shaping and not monitoring these monsters.". Bratty kids in Target are not mass murderers in the making. She and the father lectured him, took away . Tonight, an interview with Sue Klebold, Dylan's mother, is set to air on the ABC news-magazine . Psychiatry has long attacked outsiders of all kinds, including gays, while not saying a word about society. Sociopaths who undergo training often use that training to fake being normal in order to better manipulate people. Dylan wrote an essay about a school shooting that disturbed his teacher enough that it was referred to the school counselor. After I wrote a column a few weeks ago about the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School, I got e-mail from Tom Klebold, the father of Dylan Klebold, one of the . Dylan Bennett Klebold. Any pix of the monster creators? crap, that is what I think of. 1/12 Tom is home from the hospital. Bull fucking shit. It would be comforting to think otherwise. Think of kids who commit suicide - often you hear their family say, "We had no idea." Press J to jump to the feed. ", Dylan: (sticks his face in the camera) "Goodbye. None of us knows exactly how the brain works. . we only know so much and there have probably been incidents we dont know about. I worked as a dishwasher, then busboy then waiter in a German-American restaurant years ago when I was growing up. Do you think Dylans dad could embarrass him as a child in front of other people or humiliate him in other ways that could result in Dylans low self esteem or was Dylan naturally shy? Both were from Columbus, Ohio and went to Ohio State University. How can you not hear your child scream? Most shouldn't have ever been parents in the first place. OP is an idiot, laying the whole thing at the parents' door. Under different circumstances it would've been a lot different. They are particularly good at it. Okay, well, first of all, gifted programs don't monitor shit. Teachers did nothing. I've met members in USA, UK, Norway, Sweden,Germany,Brazil, Chile, Ireland, India and the Bahamas. Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. When I was in high school, i was friends with a guy who very well could have done what those kids did. Mrs. Klebold had her hair done the day after the shooting. Several phone callers to the Jewish News have . Dylan Klebold's father, is Lutheran, and said her son . I found this thred on accident and had to comment. He and his partner Dylan Klebold were responsible for the Columbine High School massacre (1999). I can't remember. The oblivious parents in Target or sitting inside their houses listening to their kids having a meltdown and completely ignoring it. Sure, that'll work! I just wanted to apologize to you guys for any crap this might instigate as far as (inaudible) or something. On April 20, 1999, two teenage gunmen kill 13 people in a shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, south of Denver. Criminal behavior: a psychological approach. I don't believe I've said anything about gun control, of which this country has far too little of. They then killed themselves in the school library. psycho school, nasty students, bullshit teachers, ignorant parents, hormones, bullying, rage. In April 1981, Harris was born in Wichita, Kansas. Jesus, what a loathsome pair of people. You have no right to disrupt someone else's place of business. Dylan kept talking about college, about his future. People can be fooled. It was very easy to read despite being a difficult topic. [quote]He has always been excessively cruel to animals (he even shot and killed his own dog because it barked), obsessed with weapons, "charmingly" manipulative of adults, a pathological liar, disdainful of other people and abusive to them and VERY quick to anger. Similiarly if a child is screaming at playmates and/or siblings and will not stop, you have to move in and take control of the situation. "This is my (completely layman's) opinion, but I've always figured that we have more or less tamped down the "How" of the brain, but we're still working on the "Why" of the brain.". multiple newspapers and media outlets in the days after reported dylan and his father having the kind of relationship where, when dylan would come home from school, they would share a snack and read the sports section of the newspaper together. The prom was the standard affair. Weren't they in a small group of rebellious kids? Psychiatry has long attacked outsiders of all kinds, including gays, while not saying a word about society. He was kind, gentle, smart, and happy. KleboldI started reading the Columbine book, how does he try to explain Klebold? Empathy; not so much. [quote]Did Harris or Klebold have any siblings? The interview is set to air on "20/20" this Friday, coinciding with . He's wearing black BDUs (military-style pants) tucked into military-style boots. I was just messing with you all a little bit in my other posts. I kind of admire that. The two would . It's about a half an hour before our little judgment day. Also when I was growing up, people had no qualms about calling a parent and saying "Your little boy Johnny said something really awful to my son today." or "Your little Janey slapped Susey today and she needs to stop doing that." I don't think I can categorize Dylan's relationship with his parents as bad or good, because Dylan was incredibly disturbed teen and clearly had a skewed perception of reality. I just don't get it. "They believe that what they call the "toxic culture" of the school the worship of jocks and the tolerance of bullying is the primary force that set Dylan off. His dad followed him around with a camcorder, capturing every move. Tom was a geophysicist, Sue worked with handicapped people. Harris parents, Wayne and Kathy Harris, have never spoken to reporters. Yesterday there was a girl in her backyard screaming like an insane person at somebody or something. R77, there are people who don't have feelings. I couldn't put the book down, and even though I thought I knew the ending of the story, or at least most of it, I have to admit, the last couple of chapters, specifically the one detailing the Basement Tapes, and the one about what had happened leading up to Harris and Klebold committing suicide were fucking frightening. Oprah asked the teachers to describe Harris/Klebold, the teachers talked about how they didn't fit in, wore trenchcoats, seemed troubled and dangerous, and so on. After college, the couple married and settled in the Denver area. I remember Oprah had teachers and students from Columbine on her show within a month of the event. The next deadliest school shooting (based on fatalities) was the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, with 27 fatalities. I'm sure they still live in Columbine and are active in many community functions, especially the PTA. Denver area Jews, meanwhile, have expressed discomfort at the emphasis being paid to Klebold's alleged Jewishness. There was a documentary on Netflix or somewhere in which she t. Growing up in Ohio, she had a mixed religious upbringing with her Christian mother and Jewish father. So I'm gone. Dylan says people will note the date and time when watching it. That's not contrition, it's a final fuck you to the world. Ignore them. The pair . For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. I remember Oprah had teachers and students from Columbine on her show within a month of the event. 26 March 2017. But perhaps he/she IS a charter member of the Reb&VoDKa fan club - and you're just going to IGNORE it? He has always been excessively cruel to animals (he even shot and killed his own dog because it barked), obsessed with weapons, "charmingly" manipulative of adults, a pathological liar, disdainful of other people and abusive to them and VERY quick to anger. ". We are ich bin auslander! It wasnt accepted.. The narrator seemed to revel in the graphic violence he was depicting, but it was the final passage that was particularly disturbing, where Dylan conveyed unabashed awe and . It is absolutely the parents vault. [quote]It is absolutely the parents vault. In a video-diary-style recording, Dylan stated his parents had been good to him. OSHKOSH, Wis. (WBAY) - A special event was held in Oshkosh Tuesday afternoon, where the mother Dylan Klebold, one of the two gunmen responsible for the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado . It may have hurt him. Describes how eric harris and dylan klebold approach columbine high school, in jefferson county, colorado. Ericx92s parents knew their son was no angel x97 he broke into a van, he was found making pipe bombs and setting them off for fun x97 and they took steps to address this. however, in her book, sue shared a diary entry she wrote of an incident in the months before the massacre: 1/11/99 This long, hard day is over. Every parent has flaws and every parent makes mistakes, but to me they mostly come across as a very normal family like there are millions all over the world. As she says, The rest of the world could explain away what he had done: either he was born evil a bad seed or hed been raised without moral guidance. Parents are not automatically responsible for the behavior of their teenage children. Did those kids talk about this? Very few people really care. OP, I agree with you. I think that even I have sustained some slight rewiring from that, though not anywhere *near* to the extent of my brother's. When I hear this "We never knew a thing was wrong with our child!" And for a best friend, did they spend much time together at all? Dylan Klebold, along with Eric Harris, shot and killed 13 people and injured 20 at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. . I'm just thinking of the argument Sue mentioned in her book where Tom was insisting that Dylan remove his baseball hat before they went for breakfast (during their visit to Arizona State University). We are not there yet. I knew it wasnt nearly so simple (p. 146). That doesn't make them monsters. Born: 4-9-1981. Very,very sad but not surprising.The majority of parents who have lost a child end up splitting up.No matter how much they loved each other or how strong of a relationship they had before the tremendous strain and grief is often too much to endure. What can I say, the mention of Dave Cullen's book piqued my curiosity. Answer (1 of 2): His mother has (admirably, if belatedly) committed herself to educating people on how to spot the signs of malignant tendencies in their children in an effort to help separate real danger signs from "normal" teen BS. The parents of Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold have often been portrayed as disengaged from the lives of their sons and unaware of the dark paths lying ahead. Dylan Klebold Character Analysis. When he heard reports of gunmen in trench coats rampaging through Columbine High, it's reported, that Thomas Klebold (the father of Dylan) contacted authorities, because he suspected his son might be involved and offered his help as a negotiator.. He started getting in trouble, and complained of how certain groups of kids were ruthless bullies, yet the school did nothing to stop them. She is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the perpetrators of the Columbine High School massacre that occurred on April 20, 1999. "In the very . Boston: Pearson. Plus the drug industry makes a profit. Maybe I'm just feeling too knowledgeable having been re-reading Steve Pinker's "How The Mind Works" recently. Dylan Klebold had written about a "god-like figure" dressed in black, brutally gunning down fraternity-type boys. This is true. In any case, teenagers can be quite unfair to their parents. Hers was a love as dark and true, as embracing and self-abnegating, as Cordelia's. On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, seniors at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., placed . [quote]I can't believe Oprah canceled her Columbine show today. As his father's career pulled him out of schools and away from friends leaving Plattsburgh, New York in 1993 for Colorado Harris increasingly retreated into the computer and . Brown can . I'm glad Oprah isn't going to help this man promote his book. Another migrant here from the other Columbine thread who's reading Cullen's book--. For happy, easy-to-raise, and successful kids like him, it was easy to fly under their parents radar precisely because they were the shiny pennies, hiding the terrible pain they were in from their parents as capably as they did everything else (p. 65). WTF?!? [quote]No, they hated the gay boys almost as much as they hated the jocks. Dylan Klebold, along with his friend Eric Harris, shot and killed 13 people and injured 23 others in April, 1999 in Columbine High School, before they turned their guns on . And while his father was the epitome of the military asshole, having to deal with him only served to hone Eric's skills in fooling people. Unfortunately, Eric was able to channel Dylans experiences and psychology into a violent act that would take not only his own life, but the lives of many others. Eric and Dylan worked extremely hard to conceal their machinations. It is very difficult to assign causality in cases like this. Second, the reason no one at the school noticed is because no one is ever trained to notice. I think maybe his outlook grew worse over time. Dylan was a depressed teenager with many mental issues. How can that not bother you? I was just worried Dylan was unhappy (p. 227). [quote]I think he made only one phone call to a recruiter. On a calendar entry dated the day of the attack, April 20, the time 11:10 is written across the top an approximate reference to when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold pulled out their weapons . Dylan (Klebold) did not do this because of the way he was raised, Susan Klebold told columnist David Brooks in Saturdays editions of The New York Times. It's still about management. Subject: Re: Dylan's house google earth Tue May 10, 2016 10:18 pm. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the gunman, had been bullied for several years prior to the massacre. In my opinion, what went on in their home led to Columbine.. In the April 24 column, Brooks had paraphrased an article in the online publication Slate that said Harris and Klebold yearned to become the most prolific mass murders in history. There are also certain traits that lead to a school itself being more or less at risk for a shooting event: an inflexible culture, inequitable discipline, tolerance for disrespectful behavior, and a code of silence (p. 315). I am certain that Sue no longer lives there but she still does visit the house as two Columbiners took a Columbine/E &D tour" in Jan .or Feb and saw Sue outside the house as they drove by. I think Tom had high expectations of Dylan and may have been a little bit of a nag, but in these regards he wasn't much different than a lot of parents. That's why Dylan got one for Christmas 99, it was Tom's way of finding something to bond with with Dylan. [quote]You have to ignore a whole lot of what is wrong with society to limit it to a bogus discussion about how some people have "brains wired differently." You can criticize psychiatry without being a Scientologist. Brian Rohrbough, father of victim Daniel Rohrbough, said he was outraged that the Klebolds . Eric David Harris (April 9, 1981 - April 20, 1999) and Dylan Bennet Klebold (/ . There are several theories but there is not one definition.