Bradley And Lamia Jacobs, Leeds Train Station To Trinity Shopping Centre, Jersey Insight Cars, Articles C

The allowable, proposed or existing number of dwelling units per acre within a defined and measurable area. The scoping meeting may occur during any required preapplication conference, but may also be scheduled after an initial preapplication meeting. RAILROAD FACILITIES. The landowner or developer shall provide the City Administrator with a certifiable receipt showing that all taxes have been paid in conjunction with the submittal of an application for final plat approval or site development permit issuance. (4) Water and wastewater connections shall be readily available at the park site with water and wastewater lines located along the street frontage of the park. A use providing consultation, diagnosis, therapeutic, preventative or corrective personal treatment services by doctors, dentists, medical and dental laboratories, physical therapists, optometrists, and similar practitioners of medical and healing arts for humans licensed for such practice by the State of Texas. Design Criteria & Technical Specifications | the City of Liberty 2. C. Williamson County is responsible for final action. Odorous Matter. 11. Anything that is built, installed, or established to facilitate or provide a means of transport from one place to another. B. D. Signs and Attention-Attracting Devices. Facilities provided by an establishment or place of business for the purpose of allowing a customer or patron to transact business, whether it be pick-up, drop-off, ordering, or service, from a motor vehicle. Dwelling Unit. Any matter or material that yields an odor which that [sic] most persons find to be offensive. Enclosed Storage. Light fixtures provided for any off-street parking area adjacent to a residential use or residentially zoned lot shall shield the source of light from sight and prevent the spillover of direct light onto the residential use, while still providing security to motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. Transferor Parcel. All improvements must be designed and installed so as to provide for a logical system of utilities, drainage and streets and to create continuity of improvements for the development of adjacent properties. All text amendments shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. Restaurants (excluding Bed and Breakfasts); 6. Temporary uses, as identified in Chapter 4, are required to obtain a temporary use permit from the City Administrator. F. A replat does not itself constitute approval for development of the property. Conservation practices or systems of practices and management measures that control soil loss and reduce water quality degradation caused by nutrients, animal waste, toxicants, and sediment. Failure to do so shall authorize the City to complete the improvements using the fiscal surety provided by the landowner or developer. 2. Lot Line, Front. Under Canopy Sign. Streets including alleys, bridges and street lighting, rights-of-way, sidewalks, signalization. Offsets. That person designated by the City Council to administer and enforce the provisions of this Unified Development Code. lot area per living unit in MH2 districts and minimum 15' side separation between homes. If the problem persists, please contact Applications submitted to the City for consideration of a permit for construction. 4. Freestanding signs may have more than one section, one of which may be changeable. The duration of the consent agreement and the conditions that will result in revocation; iii. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend to City Council the approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of waivers of the standards required for plat approval, by using the criteria for consideration of Variances in Section 3.08.06. A type of Fiscal Surety that can be used to guarantee site improvements. Inflatable Sign. Animal hospitals, stables, or kennels; 5. All future or ongoing development approvals or permits, including any plat-related approval, shall comply with the PUD general development plan in addition to the Citys Comprehensive Plan. A facility for loading, unloading, and interchange of passengers, baggage, and incidental freight or package express between modes or [of] transportation, including bus terminals, railroad stations, airport terminals, and public transit facilities. Surface coordinates may be provided, but should include a scale factor and convergence to reflect grid coordinates. The Planning and Zoning Commission has the powers and duties of a Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 211.007 and 371.042, provided, however, that it serve only in an advisory capacity to City Council. A public school offering instruction at the elementary school level in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools of the State of Texas. Material which that [sic] is capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical reaction or is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the physical or economic well-being of individuals. The Parks and Recreation Board shall be an advisory body to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council on policies, programs, public and private parks within new developments in Liberty Hills jurisdictional area, and park and recreation facilities that serve the citizens of Liberty Hill. In case of a rejection, the City Administrator shall specify in the rejection the sections of the Section with which the plan is inconsistent. Absolute majority. 2. This district is intended to provide for conventional detached single-family dwellings at a density not exceeding one dwelling unit per acre. C. Compliance with the regulations in this section is strongly encouraged for improvements and developments within the ETJ in order to prevent light pollution and preserve the rural and historic character of the City. PUDs are appropriate in areas where the Comprehensive Plan reflects the specific uses proposed in the PUD or where the Comprehensive Plan reflects mixed use as a land use category. These design criteria and technical specifications are the latest version as adopted by the City Engineer. Any person who violates any provision of this Code or any order issued under the authority of this Code, or who causes or permits any such violation, or who fails to perform any act required under this Code, or who performs any prohibited act or takes any action contrary to the final plats or site plans approved by the City Council, or who fails to take any action required by such approved plat or site plan, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00). Sign Permits (number/letter change). F. Variance. A violation of any provision of this Code that is dangerous to human life or health; that renders the ground, the water, the air or any food or drink unwholesome and a hazard to human life and health; that may injure or affect the public health or comfort in any manner; or a violation of a wastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement, is hereby declared a public nuisance and illegal, and shall be abated by any procedure authorized by law; further, the City shall be entitled to recover its damages, attorney fees, and expenses of litigation for enforcement or cessation of such violation. in the City of Morgan Hill. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Any questions regarding the Design Criteria and Technical Specifications, public works projects, or this process should be directed to the Engineering Division at 816.439.4500. Site Plan Review Site Development Permit. Political Sign. The impervious cover standards are essential in order to manage or avoid the adverse problems of excessive quantity and degraded quality of urban stormwater runoff, increased erosion of downstream channels and waterways, reduced interception and absorption of rainfall and runoff by the soil and vegetative cover, increased reradiating of excessive heat from large pavement surfaces, and other related problems that can arise as a result of intensive urban development. The minimum site development and site design standards apply to areas both within the City limits and the ETJ. Farm Plan. Those decisions that are made by the City Administrator. The face of the supporting structure must be one that the supporting structure is designed to support. The City is divided into zoning districts, shown on the Official Zoning Map, which is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this Code. G. Park (PARK). The proposed use is in accord with the objectives of these regulations and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. MAJOR UTILITY FACILITIES. Residential Energy Code Forms; . A. 5. 3. Applications. Preserve the community character (e.g., residential street setbacks and layouts)[.]. If the accessory structure is greater than two hundred (200) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height, then it shall be set back one (1) additional foot from the property line for each one (1) foot in height up to the minimum setback for a primary structure. Build-to Line. B. A certificate by the City Administrator or his designee that the construction conforms to the plans and specifications and the standards contained in or referred to in this Code must be presented to the City Council by the landowner or developer prior to approval of the final plat. Applicants may file multiple applications for nonconcurrent actions/approvals. A Zoning Verification Letter does not vest the property owner with permission to proceed with a development; does not specify requirements that must be met for future development; and does not include a determination that a tract of land may be developed. Mobile Home. That there is a self-created hardship by the property owner or its agent. Existing ordinances. B. Every device, including major parts thereof, in, on, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn on a transportation facility, except devices moved by human or animal power, or devices used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks. A request for variance shall identify the specific provisions for which a variance is being requested and the reasons that justify granting the variance. (d) The minimum amount of land required to be dedicated as parkland shall be 8% of the total subdivision acreage proposed for residential use, excluding acreage within the 100-year floodplain. While greater flexibility is given to allow special conditions or restrictions that would not otherwise allow the development to occur, procedures are established to insure against misuse of increased flexibility. 2. On a corner lot in any district, nothing shall be erected, placed, or planted or allowed to grow in such a manner so as to materially impair vehicle drivers vision at intersections, within a triangle defined by the property lines and a line joining two points located twenty-five (25) feet back from the property lines intersection; except that fences, walls, and/or hedges may be permitted provided that such fences, walls, and/or hedges do not impair vision from three (3) feet to six (6) feet above the curbline elevation. All other words and phrases shall be given their common, ordinary meaning, unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Side Yard, Corner. G. Responsibility for Final Action. Establishments which provide services, primarily to individuals, of a convenient and limited nature, often in access-controlled facilities which make twenty-four hour operation possible. Roadside Stand. Downtown Commercial/Retail (C2). Transfer Station (or see also Waste Disposal Services). A. Competent evidence will be preferred whenever reasonably available, but in no case may crucial findings be based solely upon incompetent evidence unless competent evidence is not reasonably available, the evidence in question appears to be particularly reliable, and the matter at issue is not seriously disputed. An open area where waste or scrap materials (including but not limited to scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber tires, and bottles) are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled. Parking lots shall be designed in accordance with the City of Round Rock Transportation Criteria Manual, as amended. Newly annexed areas shall be zoned AG during the annexation process. A. D. The City Council membership and bylaws have been established by Texas Local Government Code. Floodway Fringe. The terms include the following: owner, owners agent, landowner, property owner, applicant, developer, and subdivider. E. Basis for Appeal. Chapter 6 contains general standards applicable to all land development, standards applicable only to nonresidential site development, and standards applicable only to residential development. D. The Planning and Zoning Commission review process will be required for any permit or application that requires review and recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission, as described in this Code. A sign erected parallel to, attached within six inches of, and supported throughout its length by the facade of a building. Plans indicating the location, type, and height of lighting fixtures including both building mounted and ground mounted fixtures; B. No application requiring a TIA may be made until the scope of the required study has been determined. Lot size and Maximum Lot Coverage may be reduced for Clustered Residential Development. The City Council (Council) has the following powers and duties: A. Buildings in the Downtown Overlay District shall be oriented such that the front facade of the building faces Main Street, or another collector street within the Downtown District, in such as [a] way as to be parallel to the street. Supermajority. If the City Administrator finds that it is complete, the application shall then be processed. The City of Liberty Hill has issued a $10 million wastewater treatment facility bond that will allow a major expansion and improvements to be made at The South Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant over the next several years. A basement is a story if its ceiling is five (5) feet or more above the finished grade, or if it is used for business purposes, or if it contains any dwelling units other than one (1) dwelling unit for the caretaker of the premises. A description of all development approvals, permits, or other local or State approvals needed for the proposed development; vii. GIS Maps & Data - Williamson County, Texas Projecting Sign. 100-Year Floodplain. 2. B. D. Light Industrial/Warehousing (I1). 2. B. The total amount of acreage of raw land. A. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be sent by the City through U.S. mail to owners of record of real property within 200 feet of the parcel under consideration and within the City Limits of Liberty Hill, as determined by the most recent tax rolls from the Williamson Central Appraisal District. Land that is unconstrained by such conditions as steep slopes, floodways, floodplains, or adverse soil or water conditions that preclude development, and that does not have a significant environmental resource identified such as wetland, critical environmental features, or critical riparian habitats. C. Notwithstanding the above, any garage or carport shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from a right-of-way. All time requirements are guidelines, and do not require final action within a specified period of time. a. that primarily offers books, magazines, films or videotapes, periodicals, or other printed or pictorial materials that emphasize specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; and. The requirements of this Code and any applicable state law. This district is appropriate in areas where the Comprehensive Plan reflects the specific uses proposed in the PUD or mixed use as a land category. F. The City Engineer is responsible for final action. Any boundary of a lot that is not a front lot line or a rear lot line but generally running perpendicular to the front or rear lot lines. A master sign plan shall be required for all multiple-tenant buildings, PUDs, and all multibuilding or multioccupant commercial developments before any signs for such development may be erected on the property. D. All Nonconforming Signs shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. The grade of the finished ground level at the midpoint of each exterior surface of a sign, or that of a structure to which a sign has been attached. The rear setback shall in no case be less than three feet. Stable, Commercial. The character of these developments is residential neighborhoods, protected from incompatible uses, and is provided with necessary and adequate facilities and services.