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Its possible they forgave her and moved on. Her BFF I think is also real sick, shes down to nothing. I see why her Sisters and mom forgive her, theyre her family and family sticks by you. She just didnt think at the time and it cost a lot of people lots of problems. No one is killed without a reason. Now the new version of the movie was making Bernadette innocent, when Kirsten was innocent herself. RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2 & 9 Other Video Games That Make You Feel Like A Frontiersman Self Absorbed yes. If you were snubbed at Miramonte, maybe you caused your own reactions. She was Popular, and, she was also nice at times, she just was Stuck on herself. Theres usually a reason why. Whats wrong with you? Bernadette is a physchopath and a Killer, and always will be. Was Bernadette fragile when she watched as two innocent girls were accused of Kirstens murder by the Orinda community? As for Nancy Kane she was the best in that group cause she was real, and they couldnt deal with that. I just felt like I didnt fit in at Miramonte or Orinda. For Industry Professionals. True if no one liked you she didnt either she was nasty to some people. She should of just beat her up, that would of stopped her. Most Cheerleaders are friendly, but kind of Stuck up as well, and picky about thier friends. If it hadnt have been for Bernadettes confession, this case probably would remain unsolved. I dont believe she deserved to die, but she should have received a serious reality check. My god you women are something else. Society in the richest places raise their children to be obnoxious and unbearable little freaks who will at some point push a normal person to the brink,so whatever happens is something they are a part of as well as the person they have pushed. Did you ever think that she would not want to try to defend herself in court with letting out the terrible things Kristen said to her and how she berated her and others because she was sorry and she felt as though that would only add insult to injury to Kristens family?. I think Kirsten was friends with Bernadette or she would of never gotten in her car, Kirsten was funny who she associated with. Honestly! I just hear she stays mostly to herself and dont see much of former classmates. Bernadette will loose it again if she lost it once. People who grew up in Orinda and say its snobs were mostly people who werent socially accepted growing up, and they made choices that others didnt make and cussed and talked dirty and skipped school and always in trouble, and hung out with outcasts, and they became outcasts by association. I certainly dont condone murder under any circumstances even if someone is being bullied but I certainly think it is a terrible thing to actually do a movie that is based on true events without any detail to the accuracy of the characters. In PEOPLE, the article stated that Bernadette feared hurting her family by leaving them behind: If I kill myself, I will hurt people even more (my family). [13 May 1985, Arthur Lubow] I think its also safe to assume that her Catholic faith played a part in her decision. I feel if it was true bullying she would be afraid to be near Kirsten and these people who call Kirsten a snot and said she was a Bully and deserved it, Karens right youre the Bullies cause you know Zilch about any of this. I didnt know her, but what teen girl isnt sassy and smart aleck, but no reason to kill them, they grow out of it eventually. A murderer? Bernadette planned everything down to the last detail, even telling Kirstens Mum to ask Kirsten not to tell anyone about the supposed dinner that night. B was a Psycho and always will be. Arnold followed her for about a quarter of a mile before giving up the chase. So some of them will say Orinda had snobs. Regardless of what it's called, the important message is the same: bullying has a profound effect on young people and can cause them to do harm to either themselves or others. So if your child were bully someone they deserve to die ? She was friends with my sister, came around our house a few times. She didnt give examples because she wasnt bullied by Kirsten. It doesnt matter why and there are no excuses to take another persons life unless its to protect your own or your families . Bernadette then drove Kirsten to an empty car park at night and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for Kirsten. It was on the Murder still haunts Moraga Residents. Also Karen, Kirsten favors Stacey Dash, with Lindsey Warners personality on Saved by the Bell. Bernadette then appears to have confessed her feelings of admiration for Kirsten in the empty car-park at night. i feel sorry.for any poor sap who has to live in her neighborhood because like the investigator wisehart said she has a hidden trigger that anyone can pull just by not giving her what she thinks she.should get in a relationship. We dont care how mean she was,:sure you werent so much a Saint yourself at Miramonte. Bernadettes family lived in a more expensive area than Kirsten, so what does that tell you? she threatened to tell everyone at school the next day, she didnt tell Alex Arnold ( the Man who drove her home) again it was to insane he probaly would of freaked and she didnt want to scare him with the details. They obviously made some bad decisions and theres repurcussions for your poor decisions, thats not Kirstens fault, you mad that decisions, not Kirsten. Or do you mean that you think she was a fragile human being before she brutally murdered Kirsten? She had moments, and she told her feelings about people. I didnt kill anyone, I went to college, had a successful career, a loving family and am happily retired with my husband who I met right after I graduated college in 1983. Asking a butt of yourself getting it. She and her BFF were both Odd. And you dont give a fuck cause you are popular? It wont bring Kirsten back. Bernadette admitted to many friends she craved the wealthy life, and hated that her own parents (whom I feel sorry for) were so old. So she didnt like everybody who does? I never seen her bully. So they had a clique, what School or job doesnt? Read the posts from August 2019. If she was mad, she should of just beat the crap out of Kirsten, not kill her. She fit it fine and was considered to be popular in her own way. Worry about this Virus that is killing people Worldwide. So Kirsten should have been perfectly okay with the fact that Bernadette lied to her to get her out of her house alone and then drove her to an empty car-park and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for her? To begin life anew without the stigma of murderer attached to her, the parolee legally changed her name to Jeannette Butler and moved from California to Oklahoma and became a nurse. And How!!! [3] The Costases did not believe Protti's story; they asserted that nobody would use an 18-inch-long (460 mm) butcher knife to slice tomatoes and that Protti, casually dressed that evening, never intended to take Kirsten to a party but had planned to murder her. Also, Im flattered by the attention you gave me on the blog. When it came to Bernadette. Bernadette was to in a (round about way) She wasnt as popular as Kirsten, she desired to have the things Kirsten had. I have been watching The Cheerleader Murder on my iPhone for a few years now, and one of the lines was, Bernadette was part of the in crowd, but she didnt see it! Some girls said she was mean to people, we all have opinions, but Im sure she was smart alecky at times, what teen girl isnt, even Bernadette was I bet as well. Well hes probaly no better. I believe that the real number was held by the cops. I hear she disguised herself when she comes to Orinda wears shades over her eyes, and lives behind a long lane (mom does). I believe the conversation was very bizarre to, about desperation of a friendship. Esp one 86 girl who thought she was just on top of the world. Tori Spelling, who garnered $100 thousand for her leading role as Stacy Lockwood was already working with Kellie Martin in 1989 on the film Troop Beverly Hills, starring Shelley Long, who played Diane Chambers on the hit showCheers. Some claimed it was am an act of Satanism or a PCP-induced killing. The release of Protti was met with vehement opposition from Costass parents. Do I believe Kirsten was a Mean girl (bully) not at all, I believe she had those she didnt like and may of been Snooty towards that got on her nerves. Bunch of fg liars. Orinda folks and former Students who knew Kirsten are not into Morbid fascinations. I wasnt a cheerleader at all, I was in some clubs at school,( not Bobbies or Atlantis) but Spanish. Knowing that the Protti family is no longer poor, I hope they didnt benefit financially from this film! Thats how she probably got associated with not liking people who didnt fit in. The case is extremely old now. Some still get together. Bernadette concocted a plan to get Kirsten out of her house and it appears that Kirsten got annoyed when she discovered that Bernadette lied to get her out of her house alone. I mean she stabbed another girl to death because she was afraid to get made fun of at school or be outed or whatever. The girl that stole her life from her shouldve never been released from prison. Kirsten is the true victim in this case. She may of been misunderstood. That part of LPs life is over with I guess. I dont care how old your comment is, I just have to reply to that bullst. I believe Bernadette tried to friend her, and as I read and I do believe she acted on impulse, I believe she was just so enraged she snapped and did the (unthinkable). I believe they wouldnt allow you to read if you were in a group with them, thats there Nature towards people who they feel superior to. She could have gotten all of her 9 years. Bernadette was a sweet girl, thats why it was so hard to beleive she was the killer. They were friends from what I seen, they traveled in the same group and walked together with them. The latest Tweets from Angela Del Vecchio (@angidelvecchio1) My kid knows better than to bully others. She hasnt been there in awhile that I know of. She was just into herself more than a being a bully. Bernadette was Shady then, shady now. Again so many came on saying they knew Kirsten and sharing Personal Details on other girls there. Joe Kosla, where are you? Well to a degree maybe, but Bernadette stalked her and longed fro a friendship. Patient Perspective. Menu. And anyone messed with one of us they had to take on all of us. She was just as mean and snooty as the rest and stuck up to. [1] According to Protti's later testimony, she had planned to take Costas to the party to befriend her, but Costas became angry when she was told that there was no dinner for the new "Bobbies." Kirsten didnt like some of those people cause they rubbed her the wrong way and acted Stupid around her, she definately wasnt down with Stupidity. Some say she was Stuck up, but not a Bully. Costas was a cheerleader at the school and a popular girl known for her many talents and interests. Amen Shelly. You know who you are to. The 2nd version of Death of a Cheerleader is more like Kirsten to a degree. Honestly teens do deserve another chance at something eventually. Ok, I agree with you that Kirsten was better-looking, but you realize that Bernadette was part Italian, right? One of her relatives I asked how to get ahold of her, and they said she dont want to be bothered with anyone at all from her past, coworkers, former schoolmates and former friends, outside of family she dont want to talk to anyone. Now that you know, have fun looking around! The goth was actually into New Wave music and was not goth people at the school just thought she was weird for dying her hair New Wave because it was such a conservative school. She did have money, dont let that other Mats tell you any different. After attempting to confirm Protti's alibi, police suspected that she had lied. What is wrong with you? No right to murder. Yes the Homecoming Queen said nice things about Kirsten, but she was at the (top) and Kirsten liked those people. This type of case just proves what can happen when bullies go too far. She had a sort of ombre style in fact which was kind of weird in the 80s, but cutting edge. My School people didnt accept you, then you were out and ran out, all Schools are like that. As any 15 year old would.even today in 2015. I knew both gals. Kirsten didnt hate anyone, (as for Dee) she didnt like the way she acted thats all. We all have moved on, and went on with our Lives since that tragic episode. I know some fragile ppl, and theyd kill themselves before someone else. Maybe you need to hear one of those shooters moms speak on YouTube on the Ted talks. People looked up to her to.. I never thought she would go as far as murder. Kirsten was just like any other girl who had to go to that snobby school. If Kirsten wanted to smoke pot, Bern would of esp. Others are not so lucky. We arent all made to be popular. Just hearsay. Social Work is in my soul Angela Delvecchio - @Ang_Delvecchio Santa Mira High School Angela DelVecchio - Facebook She let it be known. My friend loved her and said she was one that you couldnt help but love even though she could be cocky. Kirsten was very Popular, but there were a few a little more Popular, why didnt Bern go after them and befriend them, the girls on Homecoming Court, and in the Atlantis Club. Kirsten was a straight A student and involved in activities, she wanted to run with top kids. I think you take things way to personal like Bernadette did, I believe MissKiwi Bernadette took things so serious that it became serious and a fatal obsession. My sympathies are with the Costas family and i hope they have managed to move on. I know there were problems beteewn she and Nancy Kane, and that other blamed girl. Maybe her parents should have raised her better. Girls, women at any age can be so horrible. No one is bothering her anymore. . Bernie has a sweet melancholy. Also, HELL NO Bernadette was not cuter, or prettier then Kirsten. Your point is irrelevant and has absolutely nothing to do with the case. She didnt give examples because she wasnt bullied by Kirsten. Where are you getting she had no friends and was bullied. Details About His Custody, Dust Bunny: Who Is It? There were girls she didnt like, either she liked you or she didnt, no in between. That dont Justify Murder. Bernadette got to all back to, she deserves to be vilified. 20+ "Angela Delvecchio" profiles | LinkedIn 99.7 percent of teen girls are Smart alecks. She was given birth in a luxurious home by her parents, Arthur and Berit Costas, and she had a brother named Peter who was raised in the unremarkable suburb of Orinda in the state of California. Those who say Kirsten was a Mean Girl clearly didnt know her, or she didnt like them with (good Reasons). The person I knew didnt hate Kirsten, she just thought she was Snooty or Misunderstood. Kristen had it well deserved in response to someone else, which suggests that you think her cruel murder was justified. [10], The aforementioned film was remade in 2019 as a Lifetime television movie starring Aubrey Peeples as Bridget Moretti and Sarah Dugdale as Kelli Locke, characters based on Protti and Costas, and Kellie Martin, who played Protti in the first television movie, playing the FBI Agent charged to tracking her. As DNA testing isthego-to for TV cops,Olivia Benson would have had Angela in cuffs by the end of the next school day. She had her whole life ahead of her, even if she was a smart aleck she would of grown out of it long before now. Art and Berit were Wonderful people. She had a slumber party on her 15 th BD we all snuck into a pool and swam, (a fun night) and to bad she didnt get to celebrate her 16th Birthday, Art and Berit planned on taking us all to a Hotel and spend the night. I was fortunate to be surrounded by guys who were my best friends from 3rd grade and were very popular. You all sound a bit like the people you are gossiping about. Was Bernadette fragile when she took Catechism classes with one of the accused girls and would have no doubt seen the emotional toll being falsely accused of murder would have taken on the girl, yet she acted like nothing was amiss. I attended school in New York City and there are nothing but cliques. Maybe LP doesnt want to be the Life of the party. Dont let that Sweet Melancholy fool anyone, she was not that unless you were in the group. Angela DelVecchio, APRN, FNP Care Philosophy: "Keep moving! Regardless she didnt deserve to die, and she isnt the only one who laughed at people in High School. To much detailed stuff if you ask me. I read a lot of nice things about Kirsten as well, so she couldnt of been all that bad. I am shocked to even read that some people think this 15 year old girl deserved to die because she could be a little snobby at school, I personally would prefer my children to be friends at school with a snobby girl than a cold blooded killer! Your argument is Sort of pointless, and hypocritical considering that Bernadette did not value TRUE FEELINFS, FREINDSHIPS!!! The case is ancient history so why is it constantly being rehashed over and over. We are all different. Angela J Delvecchio | University of Michigan School of Nursing With all this Corona Virus going around, none of that matters, it was 36 years ago, maybe LP or whoever moved on with her life. Nancy I would of never considered Murder, that is just plain Sick. People are going by that. You act dumb you wont fit in (anywhere). I hear a lot of them still get together on Occasions, and others have moved on. As I wrote to you in a previous comment, if anyone was pushed to the brink, it was Kirsten, but instead of reacting violently like Bernadette did, she ran from Bernadettes car. Absolutely not. Doesnt it seem weird that Bernadettes sister would have an 18-inch knife for cutting tomatoes? Normal teenagers they like I said, were crazy so to speak, and meant no harm towards Nancy and them, just harmless teasing, they were crazy like that. I believe she made a fool out of herself begging and crying to Kirsten about how she feels no one likes her ( which wasnt the true case then) and was kept repeatedly begging to Kirsten to be her (friend) and made a complete fool out of herself and it just freaked Kirsten out and scared her. Bernadette was not a nice girl, if she was then shed never of killed Kirsten, shed left her alone and went on. Kirsten, who had just finished her sophomore year at Miramonte, had started to change social circles back in junior high, recalls her good friend Diane MacDonald. Kirsten teased Joanna and Joanna got it all wrong to. View the profiles of professionals named "Angela Delvecchio" on LinkedIn. I dont see how Kirsten was worse than any teenage girl. She looked like Kirsten with her curly hair, and the Life of the Party like Kirsten. Not true, you said you knew Bernadette and Kirsten both! I do believe she had some she didnt like, (but who didnt)! Backyard Sports Player Profile [21 of 30]: Angela Delvecchio Her sister at the bank dont discuss Bernadette, or discloses her whereabouts, she just says Bernadette dont wish to be located by former classmates, friends or co workers, she has a very private life now and wants to be left alone. Cause Bern for weeks went on and on about Kirsten to where her friends kept getting tired of hearing it. Thats teens for you, its tough being a teen, most of them are smart alecky at some time or another, but we outgrow it. Bernadette will never escape her Image of what people have of her, no matter how Nice she becomes. I had to deal with people like Kirsten in high school. It also tends to victimize blonds! Following a conversation with an FBI agent who informed her that her arrest was imminent and that they knew that she had killed Kirsten, Protti wrote her mother a letter in which she made a full confession. They also laughed at you in the halls when you passed them, Bernadette to and Kirsten, I wasnt in the (wonderful in crowd) so I didnt fit in their world. Looking at the pictures, it is shocking to see that Kirsten Costas is the face of an innocent little girl. Kirsten was nice, yeah, she and a few she didnt like, but they were the kids no one liked. I dont think she intended to kill Kirsten, I believe she was desperate for a friendship and pushed to hard at it, and when she realized she made a fool out of herself, to became to much for her to handle and she did the (unthinkable). I forgive her to a degree, but wont accept what she did to Kirsten, she will live with that the rest of her life. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Girl, 16, Convicted in Classmate's Slaying: Teen-ager Feared Victim 'Was Going to Tell People I Was Weird', "In a Deadly Explosion of Teenage Unhappiness, One Life Is Cut Short, Another Blighted by Murder", "Calif. murder suspect, 16, called polite, loving person", "FBI witness ties jealousy to Costas murder", "Protest over parole of schoolgirl's killer", "Chilling film examines 'Landscape' of murder", "Five murders and the movies they inspired",, History of Contra Costa County, California, Articles needing additional references from October 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 September 2022, at 04:01. Get a Life please. They were rich. In swimming pools she would practice tumbling, one friend told about it, she would dive in the water and do back flips. In the movie, she's well into her junior year of high school before someone catches on that she did it. Like I said, Kirsten was so much fun. I hope shes not sick esp. Well 1st off Kirstens home on Orchard Rd was nice, but no Mansion like the Movie portrays a nice Ranchstyle home. Mandy, No sense talking about it now, its done and over with. They had Bernadette as a suspect and only give her a lie detector test? Theres way to much in Life than to be spending it chasing someone around over 30 years ago the justice system failed, its just pointless. It put a huge impact on our lives, first dealing with the loss of Kirsten, then finding out a girl we all trusted was the one responsible, that is something g that scattered our lives. Very few that arent. I think she wanted to be part of the elite click. Same for Karen Severson and Laura Doyle theyre cold blooded killers to, Missy was Kirstens age, this happened not long after Kirsten was Murdered. Kirsten wasnt a bully at all. Did Kirsten deserve to die over it. Heres what I think happened, Bernadette wanted Kirstens approval badly cause everyone else had Kirstens approval and Bernadette became dangerously obsessed over the whole deal, and she invited Kirsten out that night to make friends, and I think she said something to her that went horribly wrong to Kirsten, like make a clumsy pass at her and it terrified Kirsten, and Kirsten threatened to expose it to everyone, and Bernadette just freaked out and it possible she just found the knife by chance and got scared that a secret was going to be revealed, so she went to scare her, and maybe she didnt mean to kill her, but she meant to harm her (thats a fact). Bernadette lived in a wealthier area than Kirsten. Angela S Delvecchio - Nurse Practitioner, Bar Harbor ME - HealthCare4PPL At 50 years old, I too have been bullied my whole life. Everyone talked a bunch of crap about each other, including Bernadette who was just as rude and mean as any other girl there. Even though she sadly didnt live to see it. That Mats Chick dont know her head from her Butt. I disagree with you. Protti didnt get a short sentence because she claimed to have been picked on.